hhthunder13 said:
I can't agree. The reason why Bertuzzi did it was because Moore threw a dirty hit,
Whoa, hold up there. Dirty hit?!?! No fucking way.
Questionable or borderline because of who he hit and who Moore was, maybe. But the fact is, the hit that Moore put on Nasuland was clean (and by your logic, if Moore deserved what Bertuzzi gave him for his hit on Nasuland, then what should Bertuzzi have in store for him as retaliation).
And if the Canucks wanted payback for that hit, they should have gone looking for it that very same game, or at least the next game. Not 2 games later. It was a gutless act on the ‘Nucks part.
Plus, what always seems to be lost in this whole thing is the fact that Moore dropped his gloves and fought Matt Cooke. Moore, who to my knowledge had never fought before, answered the bell. He paid his dues. The problem was, Cooke couldn’t beat up my sister, and therefore didn’t do any damage to Moore. Had Cooke been able to feed Moore, or bloody him, or knock him out, the bertuzzi act would have never happened.
and Steve Moore knew that when he played hockey it was a contact sport and there is always the possibility of being hurt.
Maybe you should tell that to Markus Nasuland and the Vancouver Canucks.
Gary Roberts broke his neck playing hocley too...but came back and was effective.
Far different injuries between the two and how they were sustained. Apples to oranges.
Steve Moore was not a very effective player in the first place, I can't see how he deserves 15 million.
Say’s who? I will give you the point he may have never earned $15 million while playing hockey, but this guy had his dream of making a living playing hockey, and quite possibly having a long career in the NHL ruined because of Bertuzzi. Considering everything, I’m surprised they asked for such a small amount. I’ve seen larger law suits for spilling McDonalds coffee on your self.
Basically, since he's American,
Go check your facts on that (he was born in Windsor).
I think the whole timing of the thing is just to try and place a cloud over Canada's head at the olympics.
Actually, since Moore is Canadian, that logic makes no sense. But it has more to do with the statute of limitations, then the Olympics starting.
No it isn't right to attacl someone from behind, but it isn't the first time it has happened...Thats why it's hockey and not figure skating.
Well, it is the first time an act like that has caused such an injury. And that’s what needs to be stopped.