Moon's interior 'did hold water'

Very cool read miniD, Thank you

I always love this kind of stuff.
I've never heard of water being erupted from a volcano. Well, I guess things are different on the moon.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
US scientists have found evidence that water was held in the Moon's interior

When will that say US scientists have found a cure for cancer, AIDS instead of useless info? The moon's there isn't it? Not to offend the people who like this stuff but......who gives a flying fuck how it was formed? It works doesn't it? Leave it at that.
We need to understand other planets/moons better, so that we can populate them some time in the future. Science advancement in general is good; it's hard to say what could come of it.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
We need to understand other planets/moons better, so that we can populate them some time in the future. Science advancement in general is good; it's hard to say what could come of it.

Oh use some George Carlin info: what are we gonna tell the intergallactic counsel of ministers the first time when one of our teenage mothers throws her newborn baby into a dumpster huh? How are we gonna explain that to the space people? How are we gonna explain that our ambassador was late to the meeting because his breakfast was cold and he spent an hour beating his wife around in the kitchen? And what are they gonna think when they find out it's only a local custom that over 30 million women in the Third World that have had their clitorises forcibly removed to reduce their sexual please so they won't cheat on their husbands?

Can't you see how eager the rest of the universe is for us to show up? Can't you see them out there?
*shrug* I really don't care if they want us there or not unless they're going to try to forcibly remove us when we get there.

Besides, the scientists that are discovering things about the moon don't have the background knowledge to do research on cures. Though I suppose I can understand your preference for the money to be spent on anti-disease research.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Did you mean to say 'fuck the moon,' or 'fuck thee, violator'? :confused:

I was saying "fuck thee, violator"! lol :D

No offense though, it was of course more of a come-on than a disagreement with your argument. ;)

The article is interesting though, as I always pictured the moon as being filled with creamy nougat rather than water.

And by creamy nougat I mean... :rubbel: "Fill up that moon-hole boys!"
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I knew the mooninites were holding out on us. let's invade the fucker. John Mcain on the moon in '08!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
When will that say US scientists have found a cure for cancer, AIDS instead of useless info? The moon's there isn't it? Not to offend the people who like this stuff but......who gives a flying fuck how it was formed? It works doesn't it? Leave it at that.

What makes you thing that astronomers, planetary geophysicists or geologists have the necessary skills to find a cure for cancer or aids? Using your thinking I would suggest that you stop whatever line of work you are in and find the cures.
When will that say US scientists have found a cure for cancer, AIDS instead of useless info? The moon's there isn't it? Not to offend the people who like this stuff but......who gives a flying fuck how it was formed? It works doesn't it? Leave it at that.

Different scientists do different things. Besides, there is no money in a cure for cancer or Aids, the scientists who do that kind of research are busy developing pills so that guys in their 60s can walk around with raging boners.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
What makes you thing that astronomers, planetary geophysicists or geologists have the necessary skills to find a cure for cancer or aids? Using your thinking I would suggest that you stop whatever line of work you are in and find the cures.

I never said that astronomers, planetary geophyicists and the likes have the skills to find a cure for cancer. What I meant is and please pay attention to this, scientists are researching and getting too much attention for finding out useless info that has no benefit to mankind. How is finding out that the moon held water helping us at this very moment? It isn't. Plain and simple. Scientists researching and finding the cure for cancer, AIDS, diabetes(which also killed my mom) is far more beneficial to mankind than finding out that the moon held water. I think any decent human being would agree with me on that.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Different scientists do different things. Besides, there is no money in a cure for cancer or Aids, the scientists who do that kind of research are busy developing pills so that guys in their 60s can walk around with raging boners.

No money in it? If I found the cure for AIDS tomorrow, by next Friday I'm a multimillionare. Do you know how much money people would pay for a cure for every disease known? I'm not saying that money is the main reason why we should find cures for these diseases. I'm saying that every person on the planet has the right to live a normal healthy life without disease or affliction.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
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No money in it? If I found the cure for AIDS tomorrow, by next Friday I'm a multimillionare. Do you know how much money people would pay for a cure for every disease known? I'm not saying that money is the main reason why we should find cures for these diseases. I'm saying that every person on the planet has the right to live a normal healthy life without disease or affliction.

I'm talking from a business standpoint not from a personal one. Say you discover the cure for cancer. One of the big pharmaceutical companies comes and offers you tons of money for your research but also makes you sign a contract saying that you can't talk about your findings ever. They in turn take your research and study it and what not to find a way to create a drug that won't cure the disease but instead will let you live with it as long as you're taking the pharmaceutical company's pills.

A cure equals a one time shopper, living with said disease equals repeat business.