Vanilla Bear
Bears For Life
Another solo set from Nurse Monique
:lovecoupl :iloveyou:
:lovecoupl :iloveyou:
Anyone have any pics or vid of her with her newest tattoo? The gigantic one on her side/back......I've seen a short vid clip with her and Sammie Rhodes and supposedly the trailer for her newest Vivid movie shows it but somebody must've seen a different version of the trailer than I did cause I never caught a glipse of the tat in the trailer I saw.
You can see a little bit of the tat here. (the last 3 pics)
Oh Goddammit!!! Merry Christmas to MEEEEE!!!
You can see her "new" tat in this set!
Oh my God! This set fits perfectly to my siggie!!! She is jumping out of a big box! That has to be my present!!
:lovecoupl :iloveyou:
She is an angel! :angels: