Monica Mattos question?


Closed Account
You know I always wondered that too. In fact the last time we talked I actually asked her and she told me. I was sworn to secrecy though sorry, its in her contract.



Retired Moderator
She's very nice. Just another one of the endless Brazilian porn talent.
aint she da chick dat fucked a horse? cats dat post on SOHH put up da vid months back, but i never checked it but homies in there was disgusted.
aint she da chick dat fucked a horse? cats dat post on SOHH put up da vid months back, but i never checked it but homies in there was disgusted.

I imagine it was if she did....I don't need to see that. It brings a tear to my eye even hearing about it. :crying:

I saw some vid thumbnail where she looked like she was ready to get it on with a midget. I couldn't bear to watch that....

Not shocking seems like chicks in Brazil will do almos....err...anything.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Word on the street is she has no vagina and is fluent in classical latin.:dunno:

Somebody needs to throw a net over her. I bet she's from the lost city of Atlantis!
aint she da chick dat fucked a horse? cats dat post on SOHH put up da vid months back, but i never checked it but homies in there was disgusted.

She only blew the horse; she didn't fuck it.