Monica Lewinsky is living the life of a near recluse.


Hiliary 2020
If you read one post this year.......Make it this one.

Its like the 64 thousand dollar question or who wants to be a millionaire.
you either quit while you're ahead or go for the big money.
She and her accomplices could have just extorted him for a good amount and kept it hush hush.
like i said it wouldn't have been the first time that happened.
But that ugly cow Linda Tripp convinced her to shoot for the stars and they started recording conversations between Monica and Bill.
Then handed them over to author Lucciane Goldberg who exposed it.
Note: All three women are Jewish, I guess that's just a coincidence though.

Either way, they didn't get millions like they expected.
Instead they changed history big time, affected a lot of people, hell, the whole world.
Remember at the same exact time this hit the news media the United States was beginning the bombing of Iraq with the intention of destroying Saddams government and removing him from power.
You know, starting a war.
Operation Desert Fox started on Dec. 16th and Ended on December 20th, the same day Clinton was impeached.
Another coincidence?
How could he manage a war and deal with impeachment at the same time?
You all remember Desert Fox? When Clinton attacked Iraq because he said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and must be removed from power and Colin Powell lied and said that saddam had thrown out the UN inspectors when that just wasn't true?
Well all that got chucked in the trash when this blow job thing hit the press.

I also think its obvious that had this thing not happened that AL Gore would have easily won the election in 2000, considering he lost by only 500 votes.
Then Iraq would have been his war, the democrats war and 9/11 would have been on their plate too.......and he Probably would have lost in 2004 to Bush, who then would probably be in his 2nd term right now.
Can you say, " Barack who?".

Ah, maybe I'm on the wrong board for all this talk.
So how big are Monica's tits these days?
Good day.


Lord Dipstick
I feel bad for her


Major Crimes? Shiiiit.
All this hoopla over Clinton getting his weasle greased and Monica doing the greasing. He's not the first president to get blown in the oval office and he won't be the last. The media should just leave Monica alone and not look to further exploit the story fifteen years later.
I also think its obvious that had this thing not happened that AL Gore would have easily won the election in 2000, considering he lost by only 500 votes.

completely agree

overall America's still a relatively puritanical nation.
Clinton's moral impropriety cost Gore the election and radically changed the course of history.

Then Iraq would have been his war

there wouldn't have been an Iraq war. no way.

But that ugly cow Linda Tripp convinced her to shoot for the stars and they started recording conversations between Monica and Bill.
Then handed them over to author Lucciane Goldberg who exposed it.
Note: All three women are Jewish, I guess that's just a coincidence though.

oh you must be a fan of Louis Farrakhan :)

"I look at Lucianne Goldberg, Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky, and I ask myself, 'Why was this introduced at this time when Netanyahu was being pressured by the president to give up more land on the West Bank,'I think we need to look deeper into this than just what appears on the surface."

Louis Farrakhnan - Meet The Press interview, 10/18/98


Postal Paranoiac
At least Bill could get her a job doing Hillary's hair or something...


Hiliary 2020
completely agree

overall America's still a relatively puritanical nation.
Clinton's moral impropriety cost Gore the election and radically changed the course of history.

there wouldn't have been an Iraq war. no way.

oh you must be a fan of Louis Farrakhan :)

"I look at Lucianne Goldberg, Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky, and I ask myself, 'Why was this introduced at this time when Netanyahu was being pressured by the president to give up more land on the West Bank,'I think we need to look deeper into this than just what appears on the surface."

Louis Farrakhnan - Meet The Press interview, 10/18/98

There already was a war against Iraq.
We were bombing them for 4 days prior to the impeachment.
And in Clintons own words the goal was to remove Saddam from power.
Although if you consider all his other half ass, wasted lives that amounted to nothing he probably would have given up anyway, giving saddam an excuse to do something nasty at some point for revenge.

As far as me pointing out that all three women were Jewish?
Its true. It is what it is.
Birds of a feather.
What you can't say that?
Oh yeah, say anything about Jews and there's a special word for it.
Fuck em, all the shit those three caused all just to try to get rich, just calling them Jews is being nice