Monica Lewinsky is living the life of a near recluse.

Will E Worm

'A social pariah': How lonely Monica Lewinsky has failed to find happiness... and is STILL the butt of lewd Clinton jokes

She was the White House intern who found fame for all the wrong reasons.
Now, 17 years later, Monica Lewinsky is still trying to play down her scandalous affair with then-President Bill Clinton.
She is single, her line of handbags failed to catch on and, according to the National Enquirer, is living the life of a near recluse.

Monica, 38, flits between homes in Los Angeles owned by her mother, her father and brother and an apartment in New York that is also owned by the Lewinsky family.
But her life is far from a social whirl of a-list parties and she is said to spend much of her time alone.
An insider told The Enquirer that Monica has given up her own place and moves between the two coasts trying to work out projects that may never get off the ground.
Her apparent goal is to set up her own public relations company.
The insider said: 'Monica's self-esteem is at an all-time low.

'She said she's been doing some freelance work for a friend who has a public relations company. And she's got some family money, so that keeps her going.'
Monica's sexual relationship with Mr Clinton, who is now 65, led to a Republican-prompted impeachment in the House and a trial.
Central to the whole episode were claims that she performed oral sex on him.
In late July, 1998, Monica had to turn a dress over to Kenneth Starr's investigators after signing an immunity agreement.
A blood sample was taken from Clinton on August 3, and on August 17, the FBI reported its conclusion that Mr Clinton was the source of the semen on the dress 'to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty.'


She should have money and a decent job.

Bill owes her a favor.
We should praise her... a girl who sucks dick.....


My Penis Is Dancing!
Clinton doesn't owe her a thing. She has already made herself quite the name for giving Bill a hummer...if she is unable to make it on her own, why should the government bail her out.


Hiliary 2020

She should have money and a decent job.

Bill owes her a favor.

Most people who owe the Clintons wind up dead.
I have no pity for her. she was born rich and she'll die rich.
But if I were her I'd probably change my name.
Imagine how many times she's heard, "Hey, aren't you that girl who.......?".


Closed Account
I'd marry Monicagate for the wrong reasons...

D.C.'s and Monica's honeymoon: The Watergate hotel:yesyes:
"I never had sex, with that there woman......Monica Lewinsky. Besides it depends on the meaning of the word "is" is."

Will E Worm

Most people who owe the Clintons wind up dead.
I have no pity for her. she was born rich and she'll die rich.
But if I were her I'd probably change my name.
Imagine how many times she's heard, "Hey, aren't you that girl who.......?".

Come on, show some compassion. ;)

You can't choose which family you're born into.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
She should have considered the ramifications of her actions before she engaged in an inappropriate sexual relationship with the President. I have no sympathy for her.

And I'm surprised you're supporting her, Will. A sexual relationship outside of marriage is frowned on by the church. The only reason you're okay with it here is because you get to point out the flaws of a democrat. As usual, your morals are dictated by your agenda.


Will E Worm

And I'm surprised you're supporting her, Will. A sexual relationship outside of marriage is frowned on by the church. The only reason you're okay with it here is because you get to point out the flaws of a democrat. As usual, your morals are dictated by your agenda.

That's not it at all. :nono:

She can also be forgiven. You should have thought about that. ;)

I thought she was a bit better off, until I saw this article.
This post had nothing to do with right or left.