I had a similar thought when I first saw the title of the thread. I mean how in the fuck can you "not mean to" do something like that. It's a deliberate act more than anything else. It's as fucking stupid as saying "I didn't mean to shoot him officer. He sort of fell infront of my gun and landed on about 7 or 8 of my bullets. It was an accident."
I should be facepalming you. Just bow your head in shame and walk backwards out of this thread like any rational person would when they've realized they just said something stupid. And think before you type next time.
Is your memory that short, or are you that dumb. No, sorry, those are your only two choices.
You know what is really funny...the first page in that link is Huffington post. Liberal. The NY Daily News. Liberal. MSNBC. Liberal. Hell, even Discovery.com has a story about it when it happened.
This was a pretty big story when it was first reported. Those with the memory retention greater than a 3rd grader can remember it.