Mob Nabs, Beats (to a pulp) Man Sought in Rape of Young Girl

So its up to the Jack booted thugs to apprehend these assholes? You think they're good for nothing in every thread about police and when a community acts without assistance from police you cry "VIGILANTE!" There seems to be a strange duality in your thought process.

Myself, I don't blame the people involved for their actions. The mere accusation will inflame a neighborhood. The welfare of a child is serious and anyone who willingly harms them and takes their innocence is beneath contempt but they also deserve due process. It is a conundrum.

If it were cut and dried, say the guy was caught in a flagrant act and the crowd immediately reacted, I'd say he got what he deserved and the argument could be made that they were taking action to hold him for the authorities. But their actions occurred days after the rape and they didn't call the police to apprehend the guy before taking matters into their own hands.

I hope that he is the guy and the people accused of vigilantism are cleared of any possible charges but it seems to me that he has a case against them for violating his rights. This case will be worth watching for sure.

I do believe that the police force is institutionally corrupt & racist, that doesn't mean I want or condone vigilante activity. Clean up the police force! I have never said they are good for nothing.

Anyway, the police are not responsible for passing sentence on criminals that is for the courts to do not a bunch of revenge crazed vigilante thugs who should all be arrested whether it was the right guy or not.
Has anybody seen Mystic River? With Sean Penn, Kevin Bacon and Tim Robbins?

Sounds exactly like this story.
So its up to the Jack booted thugs to apprehend these assholes? You think they're good for nothing in every thread about police and when a community acts without assistance from police you cry "VIGILANTE!" There seems to be a strange duality in your thought process.

Sorry, but the choice should not be between corrupt police acting as though they're above and beyond the law and uncontrolled mobs dispensing summary punishments (possibly executions) without the suspect having benefit of trial.

Not all police are corrupt, and not all citizens need to react to situations like this one with such reckless disregard for law and due process. (Check out the movie "The Ox-Bow Incident" - it reinforces my point, plus it's just a damn good flick)