Mob Nabs, Beats (to a pulp) Man Sought in Rape of Young Girl

It's good that he was caught, as he was a suspect of sorts (a "person of interest"), but I'm not a fan of the vigilante assault thing. I don't think it's right in any case, but if by some chance it turns out that this guy didn't actually commit the crime, will these people regret their actions, or have to face any repercussions for (seriously) assaulting the wrong man???

Crazy story, though...

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I have mixed emotions on the vigilante thing. Sometimes you just help letting your emotions get the best of you. I don't think I can honestly say, that I wouldn't have reacted in a violent way, if it was my little girl, or wife. I would have probably done worse. Having said that, I must also say, I know it's wrong. You should always let the justice system do it's best to work, trouble is, it fails all to often. It gets frustrating, constantly hearing about vile criminals getting set free over minor details, and lope holes within the system being exploited by lawyers.
Well, I think the situation is significantly different if we're talking about the parents getting/beating the culprit (if they KNOW they have the RIGHT guy, without a doubt), and people who aren't family doing it...
You can't mix law and order with blind raging anarchy. That's like wanting to have the cookie, and flush it down the drain at the same time. Vigilantism is not justice.
There is NO excuse for vigilantism. This ain't the fuckin' wild west!! This sort of thing hit the headlines in the UK a few years back after a tabloid newspaper ran a campaign to name & shame convicted paedophiles. Blokes were beaten up because they looked like some of the people who had their faces printed in the papers. It even led to a peadiatrician getting assaulted because a mindless mob got the word confused. Anyone who engages in vigilante activity should be prosecuted. Whether or not you agree with the legal system it doesn't mean you can take the law into your own hands without their being serious consequences.
Mob justice is NO justice.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Well, I think the situation is significantly different if we're talking about the parents getting/beating the culprit (if they KNOW they have the RIGHT guy, without a doubt), and people who aren't family doing it...

Agreed, but sometimes certain communities are closer knit then others. I know there is a lot of "were all family" type mentality in Italian and Hispanic neighborhoods. While that might not make it more excusable for a non parent to seek the same private justice, as a mother or father would, it is still how some cultures, and nationalities, and neighborhoods think. Look what happened with Richard Remerez, when the neighborhood mob realized who he was, and caught him.
When the right person gets the shit beat out of them, then the justice is done. Karma always plays a part.

What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow.

Shit like that.


what the fuck you lookin at?
serves him right


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
There is NO excuse for vigilantism. This ain't the fuckin' wild west!! This sort of thing hit the headlines in the UK a few years back after a tabloid newspaper ran a campaign to name & shame convicted paedophiles. Blokes were beaten up because they looked like some of the people who had their faces printed in the papers. It even led to a peadiatrician getting assaulted because a mindless mob got the word confused. Anyone who engages in vigilante activity should be prosecuted. Whether or not you agree with the legal system it doesn't mean you can take the law into your own hands without their being serious consequences.
Mob justice is NO justice.

I completely agree. Those who cheer this sort of thing are accelerating the demise of civilization. One of the participants in the beating said this:

"Justice, community-style. It's a beautiful thing," said a resident who declined to be identified.'s vigilantism and it is just as illegal as what the alleged (Was it proven in a court of law beyond any reasonable doubt that this man was guilty? If not, it's a perversion of justice) rapist did.

Considering it took place in Philadelphia, I'd be more inclined to consider it the exception rather than the rule about how citizens of the USA react in certain situations (apologies to upstanding Philadelphia residents....don't mean to pick on you).

Disgraceful behavior in any case. Let the law deal with things like this as the system is designed to do. It ain't perfect but we must adhere to the law.
What is the point of the police now :dunno: We just take it in our own hands

Well, we still need someone to (lawfully) taser the elderly, pregnant, and bed-ridden!



It's a sad topic and it's really hard to talk about. Women shouldn't have to live with the fear of being raped at some point in their life. Once it happens though it's really hard to recover from.

I think this goes back to the death penalty. Even after many hours in the court room and tons of evidence people are still put to death even if they're innocent. This is rare, but if very smart people can mess it's much easier for the random Joe to just make the same mistake.

I only think vigilante justice is good if it's truly the right person, but I don't think anyone can make that decision most of the time.
I admit that it's sketchy when he's only a "suspect". Innocent until proven guilty.

But I also must admit, i think that if he HAD raped that girl, he certainly got just what he deserved.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
There is NO excuse for vigilantism. This ain't the fuckin' wild west!! This sort of thing hit the headlines in the UK a few years back after a tabloid newspaper ran a campaign to name & shame convicted paedophiles. Blokes were beaten up because they looked like some of the people who had their faces printed in the papers. It even led to a peadiatrician getting assaulted because a mindless mob got the word confused. Anyone who engages in vigilante activity should be prosecuted. Whether or not you agree with the legal system it doesn't mean you can take the law into your own hands without their being serious consequences.
Mob justice is NO justice.

So its up to the Jack booted thugs to apprehend these assholes? You think they're good for nothing in every thread about police and when a community acts without assistance from police you cry "VIGILANTE!" There seems to be a strange duality in your thought process.

Myself, I don't blame the people involved for their actions. The mere accusation will inflame a neighborhood. The welfare of a child is serious and anyone who willingly harms them and takes their innocence is beneath contempt but they also deserve due process. It is a conundrum.

If it were cut and dried, say the guy was caught in a flagrant act and the crowd immediately reacted, I'd say he got what he deserved and the argument could be made that they were taking action to hold him for the authorities. But their actions occurred days after the rape and they didn't call the police to apprehend the guy before taking matters into their own hands.

I hope that he is the guy and the people accused of vigilantism are cleared of any possible charges but it seems to me that he has a case against them for violating his rights. This case will be worth watching for sure.