Miss Universe

I'll cry if I want to. Several people may not have known that it was UK.

I was always told never to assume as it makes an ASS out of U and ME.


are you talking to me?
liked the Brazilian lady


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alexios_hellas said:
Why can't they just be fair and give it to the girl with the biggest tits?

I'm pretty sure that was Germany...
I did notice that the Czechs came up with a stunner as usual. God where do they find all these gorgeous women, is there some hidden factory that turns them out ?
You mean Colombia... yay she was pretty but had a butt chin being half Colombian was a little bias' I thought ......Bolivia was very pretty as well but I think the right girl was choosen YAY PUERTO RICO!
Letterman made me laugh last night when he was talking about this. He was saying:

"Is it me, or does it seem like the winner of the Miss Universe pageant is always someone from earth?"