
Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Re: NEW FIND : Miss Hybrid - WOW!!!

I would be more than happy to help you with Katie.
You know I am always willing to lend you a hand.

Katie is a bit of a handful at times.

She has a heart of gold though and also tastes very nice.



Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Re: NEW FIND : Miss Hybrid - WOW!!!

No wonder beds are burning.....Miss Horny is hot enough to ignite anything :drool2::drool2::drool1:

Not hot enough to get a reply though. Oh well beds are now very wet and won't be burning for a long time x



Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Awesome pics for the shout outs!!!!
I couldn't stand up after seeing you hold up name!:drool1::drool1::drool1::drool1::drool1::

Don't forget I have also done another draw for the losers of the last ones.

I am very busy with my new site design but hope to have the final video, where everyone gets a mention, up this week.


Miss Hybrid xx
Re: NEW FIND : Miss Hybrid - WOW!!!

Katie is a bit of a handful at times.

She has a heart of gold though and also tastes very nice.


I can only imagine how Katie would fill my hands. But at first blush, I would think rather nicely.

And judging from your site, it looks like you have a number of tasty ladies at your manor.
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Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Over the next few days I will be offering a personal tour of my life at my Manor House, building by building and room to room. My staff would be green with envy to see what their Mistress does ‘upstairs’. Felix, my miserable PA and closest member of staff has on occasions been ordered to the dungeon purely for disciplinary purposes. However, in my own time and depending on what mood I am in, all sorts of activities occur. I shall start by sharing a few of my intimate moments, captured on film from my dungeon.






Tomorrow the tour will continue………… who knows what you can expect to see or where I will take you (or who).


Miss ET


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Thanks for the sign Miss H......You should know I would never get bored with you just wasn't around at start of voting :iloveyou:

I was only kidding xxx


I'm watching some specialist videos
There is nothing wrong with the site that I can see. The new design is not quite ready yet, I believe, but Miss H is working hard on getting it out and up as quickly as she can.
Well it's a damn good thing I dont have to worry about your fan base Miss H it looks like the Hybrid army is growing strong. I saw on your biopage on freeones here that you have a wishlist. Are these your items or someone elses.


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
I am having a terrible job with the new , new design. I can't get anything done. I spend more time being fassinated, looking at the photos, than actually achieving anything. You should see the state of my knickers x


Ps I will be replying to all messages later x