This woman must spend countless hours working. She reads and replies to all posts on this board, the contest board, and I don't know how many others. She still has to keep up with her own site and make that run. I don't know how many slaves she has but time must also be spent to feed them too.
This is a long contest. We all are sure that she gets to that second round. Getting to the finals will take work from her and support from us. You mob folks have been a driving force. It started last year and your work got her here in the standings even before the contest started.
The Miss is doing her part and it is a spectacular presentation thus far. I think that we all know she will have bigger plans down the road ready to take on the front runners. I feel that she is playing this thing as a contest that can be won. Not just as an also ran. What she has done so far was not to satisfy people, It was to create something that will blow them away.
Just voted for her again this morning
Give her some support!