
Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
I don't know if I have commented every time I have placed my 3 thrusts in Miss H's box but rest assured I have been voting x3 every day. Miss H belongs on top and I want to do my part to keep her there.

I see I've missed out on some amazing pics as well Miss H. You know just how to tart my day with your wonderful pictures.

Thanks also DJ for the rep, but it is my pleasure to vote for Miss H. I wish I could stuff each of her boxes multiple times daily but FOs won't allow it the spoil sports.

Thank you Mister Al.

The reason I would like notification of votes is that I am planning something at the end of the contest or earlier if I get kicked out.

The number of votes will be used in my little bit of fun.

Like every year, I will also be running my "Miss Hybrids Annal Come Down From Thrice Daily Stuffing Without Withdrawal" program. MHACDFTDSWW, for short.

It is open to all comers who? voted. Heavy comers and long stayers, especially welcome.

Anyway, that's for another day

Miss Open To All Comers


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Your wish is my command my dear !! :bowdown:
Here are a few favorites that cum to mind quick and I will look for some more for you also :thumbsup:

BTW, I see the same guy must've designed these leggings too !! Ha !! :thumbsup: :drool1:


Anyway, after your quick photo mission and I just THRUSTED 3 more times into your tight box also and that always feels AMAZING !! :nannerf1:

Bloody useless clothe designers....

Well done FB, perfect xxx


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
I count all votes that are posted here or in the Official Miss Freeones thread.

So as long as they are posted in one or the other (both works too), they will be counted.

However, I can only count what is posted and how it is posted.

Too right mister who??? and I need to know for my little "Loads Inserted Cuntinuously Kinky Hybrid Enjoys Repeated Entry" or LICKHERE for short, fun thingie.

- - - Updated - - -

well, it seemed people let things get a little cocked up while i was sound asleep the other day, butt ive taken matters into my own hands. i think we've got things sorted now. i await your inspection.

Oh no, not in your hand again Doc?

I will inspect later x


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
More to go in your box Hybrid

You and your bikini should fight more often lol

I have a terrible time with it, Roald just laughs.

- - - Updated - - -

I haven't had time to come here but I have given the miss her 3 thrusts a day.

I am sure Mister who???????????? will have you logged down now for the LICKHERE event.
Miss Hybrid, FYI - I'm still on your photo mission but it's been a little tough finding pics of your tongue piercing because NOW you see it ...


And NOW you DON'T !!! :blowjob: ... BTW, sure wish I was that LUCKY GUY with you !! :thumbsup::bowdown:



Also, the expression on your beautiful face in this shot is just PRICELESS my dear !! :hybrid:


GO TEAM TART !!!!!!!!
Well apparently I stayed up far too late and managed to see the vote timer reset. So I just got in my next 3. Now I can sleep in a whole extra 10 minutes in the morning.
thanks! but i think being quick like that is much more your style. i think Miss appreciates it more when I take my time.
As a matter of fact I've got about 30 minutes in already and about another 30 to go tonight.

So believe me, when it comes to Miss Hybrid I take my time and do things right. :)