
Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
This is just a hunch, but I'm sure a lot of people tend to be distracted by other things to focus too much on the hat. :dunno: ;)

D Rock, you are not wrong. I still couldn't get a drink bought for me though? x


Closed Account
The Hottest Board Fluffer [B said:
Miss Hybrid[/B]] Sorry my Siggy is out of date but I cant make them and ..................
I MIGHT be able to thrust one your way later today, Miss Hybrid. I wasn't gonna be able to start on that for you until tomorrow, but I just heard from my friend and she'll be delayed until tomorrow getting me some stuff that I needed to finalized her project. So, I'll do my best to see IF I can hook you up before today is over.
Loli, you know that this kind of talk could end up in a sticky ending? I must say they were both great fun and that Charlotte did not object to a spank on the bottom. If I had my way, neither of them would be sitting down for some time.

Quite right Miss, my end gets sticky just thinking about it... :D


Closed Account
Testing One Two Three
Is this thing on? Okay, Miss Hybrid, let's see if this comes out.
I only had a very small micro window of opportunity between my one friend's project finalization and the start of my other friend's project later tonight.
So, I had to really rush this. I didn't have time to go searching around the Net for images.
So, I had to just quickly reach into my Miss Hybrid's Stash Bag of Goods :D ... pick an image and go with it.

Since you really looked good in your Classy Look between Malena & Charlotte up on stage, I decided to sort of continue that Look for the 1st post FreeOnes Contest Siggy that I'd make for you.
I really liked your smile and hair in this one. And of course, you already know how you in Thigh High Fuck Me Boots always works for me. :drool2: :bowdown:
Hope you like it.

If anyone else likes it and wants to use it .......... Have at it!

I'll be making some more as time permits. I'll have to finish those friends' projects first. Probably in about a week.


Closed Account
Awww Man! Now I went and did it.
I got my right hand all sticky. :shocked:
Wait! It's not what you think.
I was eating a Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich. :rofl2:


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
It is just as hot here but with 70% humidity instead of 90%.

The garden is out of control..seems I wasn't the only one partying

Face Palm

Plus your missed connection? Oh, this not going to be a pretty scene at the manor. Felix get your camers out.

no Chicago Miss H? :(