Just stuffed your box 4 times myself.....oh mighty Miss Euro Tart.....2084!!!!! Gotta keep the streak alive!!! Would have stuffed your box even more.....but I am pushing 112.....and box stuffing takes a little more out of me than it used to! Ha ha ha!
I've been stuffing my favourite Euro Tart's box 4 times a day every day from January 18, 2011 through today........March 18, 2084!!! I helped get her elected Miss Euro Tart 2084!!! Does that mean that I will be retro-credited for all of my votes in the upcoming draw? That was 26,724 days that I stuffed her box.....X4 times a day= for a grand total, through today, March 18, 2084, of 106,896 times I have stuffed her box!!!
Happy 112th Birthday to me!!!!
For anyone who doesn't get this post......it's an inside "joke"!!!