How's this for some THRUST Miss Hybrid !!! :flame::love-smi:
I just STUFFED your BOX with 4 more daily votes just now !! :thumbsup:
BTW, I sure WISH that was ME with YOU in the photo below !! :nannerf1::iloveyou:

Just voted, and my votes went to:
Miss Freeones
Miss Hybrid
Ember Reigns
Vanilla DeVille
Jenny Poussin
Janessa Brazil
Miss Hybrid
Rebekah Dee
Xo Eve
Ember Reigns
Adult Model
Xo Eve
Miss Danni Gee
Xo Eve
Kortney Kane
Miss Hybrid
Ember Reigns
Miss Hybrid
Nikki Nova
Todays votes go to:
Miss Freeones
Miss Hybrid
Nikki Nova
Mariah Milano
Sara Jay
Vicky Vette
Euro Babe
Miss Hybrid
Bobbi Eden
Cam Girl
Spexy Ashleigh
Ember Reigns
Adult Model
Got Gisele
Taylor Stevens
Kortney Kane
Play With Alisa
Official Site
Mariah Milano
Nina Mercedez
Nikki Nova
Spexy Ashleigh
[B][URL=" said:Ember Reigns[/URL][/B], post: 5181699, member: 297859"]I want to thank you sooo much for your vote hun...I DO appreciate it VERY much!! :bowdown: :bowdown:
Ahhh.... end of the week... time for a break being a walking corpse for the boys in Black Ops...
The Big 5...
Our Perpetuals,
Miss Hybrid- you got a four post tonight, Odysseus, Azlan, & Shadow (the ball python) insisted for pet solidarity.
Nikki Nova- working weekend? take time each day for yourself or the work stops being fun at some point. Plus, we'd miss ya!
Vanilla DeVeille... I'm getting withdrawl symptoms...
Janessa Brazil great pics once agian
Ember Reigns making me laugh.
And, of course...
Kortney Kane
Bella Bellini
Plus also getting some attention (for giving us some attention)
Got Giselle... don't forget a T to start, I think BJB still has a vote out there for you, G
Miss DanniGee hope you have some time on board this weekend, young lady
Spexy Ashleigh as ever enjoy you being on the board...
XOEve. keep coming to play with the unruly mob, pretty pretty.
All right, gang, i'm gonna turn in.
Vern, thnx for the well wish... naw as soon as we burned off what little oil leaked out of the dipstick pipe it was fine. That said, during sophomore year of college there's a hideous squeal in the dorm parking lot. My roommate, a TQ racer, winces, & say something about that ruining an engine. So we drop our 'studies' (before internet so sorry, Petra, it wasn't FreeOnes) & look out, to see my girlfriend -- same girl-- driving my RX 7 out of the lot with the belt slipping. And again by some miracle things turned out all right.... I suppose there's a moral in that, but i've had too much wine tonight to focus on it.
Hope you find a hottie to change your oil... I'd heard of car washes, but be careful asking, so you don't entrap yourself!
Antonio- appreciate the recitation... I think most of my ladies fall in your list, which clearly speaks to the Mob's good taste.
Enjoy Saturday, all, & don't get hurt if you're in the Flatlands... they frown on viewing FreeOnes on the free in hospital WiFi (heh).
for tomorrow, i am voting for Ember Reigns and Bella Bellini for the best cam girl category
[B][URL=" said:Ember Reigns[/URL][/B], post: 5181682, member: 297859"]jbs!! thx SOOO much hun!!!!! muah!!! :bowdown: :bowdown:
You're quite welcome! You more than earned and deserved my vote! Gotta make a push so you make it to round 3. Good luck!
Hey guysjust wanted to thank you all for your continued voting ! Here is my blog post for you guys
Hey guys...well this is the first time im heading somewhere COLDER then Toronto lol. I havent been feeling great lately and have a lot going on but got these tickets a while ago and am super excited to go to the game on Sunday. I will be sure to try to catch the cameramens eyes like I did at the buffallo game I went to. I will be first row at the 50 yard line section 109 ! Keep your eyes out for me ! Maybe I can distract Brett lol
I have never been to Minny and actually am really looking forward to seeing the city itself.. of course the mall of america but I know minny has beautiful thingsto see and do ! Im excited. I know that its going to be covered in snow but I have my fuzzy warm boots and tight fitting sweaters and I am ready !!
Please keep voting for me HERE there are 6 more days to advance to the third round and I have to be in top 25 for miss freeones and the top 15 in all other categories. SO please please I need you guys !!
Make sure you all get your free screename cause I have a few suprises this weekend @ the free fanclub ! Who says I cant wear a bikini to the game ? LOLKeep posted guys and I will be online this weekend as well. SO make sure you keep your eyes posted on the tv then on me on your computers.
Love you lots
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