Damn it I can't sleep. Here are my up comming votes for 12/4/2010
Nikki Nova(Get Well Soon. May I suggest a hot bath and a glass of wine)
Miss Hybrid( I hope my name goes in your box again)
Bree Olson( You See. I keep My Promises)
Vanilla DeVille(Your Birthday is in December. That rocks mine is too. I am celebrating it this weekend by going to a club for their "BONDAGE A GOGO" night.)
Taylor Stevens( I never heard of you before, but I am glad I do now)
I'll be back later to tell you the categories.
My last rant sounded like I was being a bit dickish to the voters on the thread and for that I apologize. You gents have shown nothing but respect for all of the contestants in this contest. I just don't like seeing guys bothering or pleading contestants for a fan sign or special pic for them, that's all. It was a rant more for those types of guys not for the fine upstanding gentlemen that post here daily.
To Larss, Antonio777, Kepshie,Eddy B, Metalgrounds and many others. This beer is for you. :beer:
Going to try and Sleep again