Can anyone provide any details about anything? All I can find is that things are being "overhauled."
Last year, a bunch of slander, libel, and other stuff erupted between a few competing OCSMs, and the winner ended up being accused of cheating or "not winning fairly" or something. Basically, a lot of people, both regular members and pink-lettered ones, acted poorly and unfitting of the contest and the admins had to step in multiple times to try and stop things, with varying degrees of success.
That said (and I'm sure someone else could give you a more detailed account of what happened), I'm not surprised that things are being "overhauled". The notoriety it had during its early years has worn off, and now it ultimately amounts (as many people will probably tell you) to starlets making accounts to beg for votes, usually with the promise of rewards, and then ceasing to post once the contest is over. Those same people will also tell you that they're in favor of making the contest only apply to those OCSMs who regularly post and interact with board members, but it's unlikely that such a revamping of the rules will occur.
If it is being overhauled or changed in any sort of way, I would be very interested to see what those changes are. While I enjoy participating in the contest, I hate that the few girls who are content-only posters make those of girls who post year round look bad since we can tend to get lost in the mix. That whole bad apple ruining it for the whole bunch sorta thing. And there are a few things I would like to see changed, so if those few changes are in the works, or at least one of the changes, I'd be ecstatic.
If it makes you feel any better, even if I love watching a girl perform in adult movies, if she doesn't post HERE regularly, I won't vote for her. I don't converse with most of the ocsm's on the site, but the fact that some of you are always on, and talk to your fans, means something to me, even if I'm not familiar with your content. A lot of the ocsm's appear for a few days before it begins, a couple of times during, then disappear. Case in point, last years winner signed up, made a couple of posts to defend/refute claims of impropriety...hasn't been on since, that I've seen. I think the other problem you ladies face is, a good deal of the members on this site, are lurking, and never come to this section, they go straight to the porn, and could care less about much else.....but they vote.
Those same people will also tell you that they're in favor of making the contest only apply to those OCSMs who regularly post and interact with board members, but it's unlikely that such a revamping of the rules will occur.
The Miss FreeOnes contest is a fantastic stepping stone for girls on here, who may otherwise struggle to get known at all. I think the the introduction of OCSM category provided the balance, allowing a board posting girl to have some success, while the non register categories can attract the outside vote. The obvious attraction for FreeOnes as a company, is to attract new people to freeones. If they join great, if they don't great too, they may take up on some of the offers and provide FO with income.
When there is a contest, there will always be people who do not read the rules, chose to ignore them or deliberately set out with a scheme. It is naive to think otherwise. All that can be done is to create rules to control as best you can and then to enforce the rules where breaches are discovered. It is the non enforcement that can cause issues for obvious reasons.
I hope the contest runs again and that the girls who post here regularly, continue to benefit from the support of their loyal fans. The main category of MIss FO will be very difficult for one of our regulars to win but you never know, it could happen. The other categories have been won by board girls in most cases.
Long may FreeOnes run the contest and good luck to all who take part. I enjoyed my time in the contest and I hope others will continue to do so, girls and voters alike.
Miss Hybrid
With any luck there won't be a contest this year.
One can dream...
The notoriety it had during its early years has worn off, and now it ultimately amounts (as many people will probably tell you) to starlets making accounts to beg for votes, usually with the promise of rewards, and then ceasing to post once the contest is over.
I think the other problem you ladies face is, a good deal of the members on this site, are lurking, and never come to this section, they go straight to the porn, and could care less about much else.....but they vote.
look scooter, the message boards don't define freeones. Miss Freeones represents Freeones, not the fucking message board. You see all those searched babes on the home page, they all get a chance to be Miss Freeones, whether they interact with you or not! Now, if you want a Miss Message Board 2014, then I'm with you.
This is all very true and I agree with you.
I hope I'm not coming off as a total whiner with my post about wishing people would have to sign up to vote. It only makes sense from a model's perspective, not so much for someone who is voting or the folks who run the site. I completely understand why it is the way it is, me complaining is just me being a whiney complainer.
Regardless of that, I do enjoy the contest and will continue to participate for as long as I continue to be a member here. I think it's great for FreeOnes to be doing this. They don't have to do it, they don't have to give out prizes. They do it not just for themselves, but as you said, it can be a great starting point for a lot of girls, so winner or not, our names are still getting out there and FreeOnes is kind enough to run the contest at all and their hard work with it is much appreciated. We may all have our preferences and personal opinions, but we do in absolutely everything, it's human nature. No one can ever please everyone, and FO is doing great for what they can.
While I understand where you're coming from (and you're correct that this site is about more than just the message board), a point can also be made that it's rather odd when there is a highly placed Miss FreeOnes contestant who has no connection to the site (not even a membership that she has only posted to once or twice), other than the possibility that her name is a popular search item. If there was ever a Miss Google or a Miss Apple or a Miss Ferrari, you can be absolutely certain that before she got a crown, she would have to demonstrate her loyalty or devotion to those companies and/or decent knowledge of their products. I mean, the whole purpose of this contest is to promote FreeOnes.
The contest lost its meaning to me a couple of years ago (and I stopped voting regularly) once certain porn stars began telling their site members to join this site and vote for them, yet the girls never came here at all.
I think this is an excellent post in a thread with several other excellent posts. I understand that FreeOnes is much, much more than this board, but I would be curious to know what percentage of the votes are cast by board members. I mean board members that are regularly active, and that means a lot of lurkers who don't necessarily post. And I agree that it is curious that these porn stars win the contest without having to fully embrace FreeOnes, including the board, which is, after all, at least PART of FreeOnes. I think winners in all categories need be required to post at least weekly on the board. It's not an onerous request, and even if they only post in the threads that are dedicated to them, it would show their fans that they are actually reading their thread and responding.
I dunno. Throw us schleps something like that. Just a thought.
Case in point, last years winner signed up, made a couple of posts to defend/refute claims of impropriety...hasn't been on since, that I've seen.