what to do, who to give a push, with time a running out.
Vanessa DeVille
Miss Danni Gee c'mon gang, #11 in adult models, help me out, here
Ari Dee nice pix and loop yesterday, put you on my board
Harley Specter have to remember to rep yesterday's board notes. glad you're here
Jinxy Pie as ever, enjoy the intereaction on board
Mandy Flores one of the wonderful newbies i hope goes far
Mila Moon first interaction i'd seen yesterday earned a vote. hope you keep it coming
Miss Hybrid here's to another great day at the manor with that lucky worm...
Maraiah Milano can't fix the voting, young lady, but will keep pushing for you to show everyone we FO members appreciate the regulars
Spexy Ashleigh sorry, young lady, no questions today, but appreciate the willingness to answer.
well, i'd wax poetic about some issue or other... lucky for you my morning is to be spent losing the little white ball with a couple actual golfers... may be back after they laugh me off of the course!
Pax, RA