JaneB, first of all this is just a difference of opinion so I will not be name calling or using any abusive language.
This is what I said:
Oh yes. I've noticed that too. There are a few naughty contestants who I think try to get sexy pics of their rivals bumped back a page or two. There is one OCSM who did it to me. I made a nice post and within a few minutes it had been bumped way back in time by one OCSM making at least ten posts one after the other.
All I said is 'I think a few contestants try to get sexy pics of their rivals bumped' as I know I can't prove anything. Note I said "rivals" as it's clearly not about me. I'm not in the contest. Also remember this is just an opinion.
JaneB, I just find it strange that you bothered to reply to this statement at all. However you are entitled to your opinion but that's all it is an opinion. I can not back my claim and you can not back yours. So it is wrong for you to say this:
... For anyone to actually think that any of the ladies would do that just to bump your posting is insane. :wave:
To suggest my opinion is insane when you have no evidence to back it up is wrong. You don't know the incident I was talking about so you can't have any evidence. Simple.
There are a number of theories going around at the moment. Nikki Nova has mentioned 2/3 I don't know if any of them are true or not so I would not claim her opinion is insane or wrong. That would make me look silly. Where's my evidence? I don't have any.
We all have the right to give an opinion without JaneB telling 'US' all who is right and who is wrong when you have no evidence. You can politely disagree but you can't tell me I'm wrong unless you can prove it. You can't prove anything.
Is is not true that some ladies pretend to be nice during these competitions?