★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Voting for the 2nd round has Officially started!

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Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
I second this.
Sorry, Vicky, today I ran out of votes, but tomorrow my vote will go to you.

This contest is made for fun, OUR fun, anyone has the right to vote for whoever he wants.

My friend, you are brilliant. 2 things:

1. Isn't Love Gisele just the cutest? :lovecoupl

2. I couldn't have put it better- this contest and this site is for us, the fans, without whom, well, the adult entertainment industry would be a lot different.
If this thread is gonna denegrade into a bunch of bashing then you can count me out. I have been through contests before where the fans of girls bash girls in the lead, the girls bash the other girls, and the girls end up bitter.

Not gonna happen to me. If you want to be a total loser take a good look in the mirror. It is not polite to call anyone 'ugly'. Not attracted to me sweetie... go and find someone that does turn you on.

You guys wonder before $10K was trotted out by Freeones why your favorite stars never posted here except for a few? How would you like to be called ugly?

I am not hurt in the least, but yanno... I got better places to go and get votes if ......

1. Ignorant assholes are gonna post hate (in a thread where I post)
2. Other girls who post in this thread are gonna tell other girls not to shoot with me 'or else' (that are in this competition) yes it happened about 10 days ago.

Keep it nice... keep it fun... keep it goofy... :fight:

By the way... whatever happened to the rule that OSCM's were NOT supposed to be put down by posters?

I was gonna say Happy Valentines Day... but on second thought I am not feeling warm and fuzzy. Wonder who that asshole is voting for?

I will be live at 7pm est for website members http://www.vickyathome.com


In a campaign sometimes at some point things will allways get down n´ugly,you just have to be superior to that!
A little fight,if respectfull is ok.
however i must say it was rude the post meant to hurt you.
So i stand by your side,however i must say once n´for all..
Almost since the beggining a lot of stars claim to receive hate messages or that thing bout telling other girls not to work for you etc etc..Well lETS hear sonme names..why don´t you copy/paste those messages into this thread,caus it would only be fair to know who the backstage bitches are.
And dom´t tell me that.."oh i don´t want to strt a fight,csuse the fight already started,except that is kept behind the curtains and not for the fans eyes wich is so UNFAIR!
We,the ones that vote..have the right to know!!!!!!
Or the ones that insult will keep on doing it hiding in the shadow of doubt!!

P;S; Wish it was i to get bad-blood messages and i would posted them here rightaway!!

P:S 2. a little fight or saying you dont like this or that is ok,just keep your blows above the waste.DONT be RUDE to any of this Ladies!!! PLEASE!!!!

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
With all due respect, it can't be both ways. For starters, with any sort of contest where you've got people voting, there's bound to be personal preferences and strong feelings. Secondly, while there has been some negativity here, the majority of it seems to be based on personal preferences (liking the way one girl looks and not liking another), and moreover, most posts here aren't like that (the negativity is small when compared to the overall number of posts). The point remains that you can't have posts and votes and personal opinions, while also expecting to have a love-filled ego boost all the time.

No one asked for a love filled ego boost. You can like who you like without having to insult the other ladies. There is no reason to call a person ugly. Just because a lady is not to your personal taste, that does not make her unattractive.

I think some of the comments are mean and very uncalled for. I expect better from the Freeones members. Next person that acts out of line will get a hard spanking with a paddle. :2 cents:
My friend, you are brilliant. 2 things:

1. Isn't Love Gisele just the cutest? :lovecoupl

2. I couldn't have put it better- this contest and this site is for us, the fans, without whom, well, the adult entertainment industry would be a lot different.

Yes she is.But she´s safe for now on top 20..that is why i am aiming my votes to other girls,but i did not forget hot blonde bombshell love giselle


No one asked for a love filled ego boost. You can like who you like without having to insult the other ladies. There is no reason to call a person ugly. Just because a lady is not to your personal taste, that does not make her unattractive.

I think some of the comments are mean and very uncalled for. I expect better from the Freeones members. Next person that acts out of line will get a hard spanking with a paddle. :2 cents:

Exactly my point.
Its ok not to like,just don´t be rude.
Hell I kept my mouth shut bout secretchick all 1st stage...ups...sorry...

Hi ther Jane..so good to see ya..Allways wonderfull my dear..
Next year I'm entering the Miss Freeones contest, too!
Will you vote for me? (I promise hot nude pics of me, of course)
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