That's a very good point but whatever you guys do it needs to involve and engage the contestants. We are "all" here for them. I bet few if any of the ladies watch or have any interest in football/soccer.
Here's a few suggestions:
Make your posts xxx related which should at least be of interest to most men and women. Some of these women have done things we guys can only dream about and they got paid for it.
We could also try asking the contestants that contribute to this thread some "polite" questions. I'm sure some of them will reply.
We could try telling some funny/dirty jokes.
Perhaps we can have a useful debate with the contestants about changes we think should be made to the contest next year. We can all see room for improvement.
We could create respectful posts about children's issues. Most women and men love kids, don't we? Or interesting short stories from your childhood. That could be interesting. :dunno:
It didn't take much time to cum up with a few suggestions. :dunno:
I really love my football and can't wait until the world cup starts but please have that debate in the football threads with all the other guys who also wish to talk about football. There are some guys that really know their stuff and that's where you'll find them.
There are lots and lots of sports threads in this board. Here are just a few:
American Football UK Premier League World Football
You are free to post almost whatever you want in the appropriate place i.e.
this thread is in the talk section and not the
Identify / Name the Babe section.
I hope you and the mob get my point. If not I give up. :2 cents: