★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

Mariah posts this:

I'mlive right now fellas....are you missing it???

then more than an hour without a post, coincidence? i think not


Official Checked Star Member
Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

ok guys...here is your surprise a little early. forgive me if I missed someone but these are the names I knew from the beginning of the contest and who were in the show tonight.

getting ready for tonight's show

a few shots just before showtime




fan signs







Kagney Linn Karter

Official Checked Star Member
Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

you guys! i am 3 spots away from being in the top ten for round 4 of the missfreeones contest! please help your little fuck-bunny get to round 4!! you all kno I LOVE ya no matter WHAT! just stopping by to say pretty please with sugar on top of my naked breasts with whip-cream, sprinkles, hot-fudge and a lot of nasty licking. a loooooooooooooott.




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Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

thanks everyone who came to the show...it was a lot of fun! 2 hours of cumming over and over!
Sorry Nina I didn't see you!!!!! The chat was moving so fast it was so hard to read everything :( Thank you for coming to say hi! :) means a lot to me!

thanks Lemon I have a surprise for you guys I will post it in the morning :)

good night!!!!!!!

Sorry I couldn't make it... I tried to show up but it wouldn't let me in. Sounds like I missed something really great though.

Loved the picture you did for Crosseyedlemon's sign. You look really nice.
Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

It was an awesome show, Mariah. Let's keep voting for Mariah so that we get more free web casts! :thumbsup:
Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

Sunny Lane got my vote tonight. she is very close

Great show Mariah....Thanks
Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

Mariah Milano.(This girl does a lot of work here and she's placed at #19. Hmmm That reminds me of other contestants who have done a lot of work and have still placed last. I'm kind of fuzzy with names, but one of them sounds like soda and the other high dough. Nikki something and Miss something about dough and being high. I think.)

Sunny Lane(I'll vote for you. It would be nice to have you in the next round)


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

:weeping: Missed Mariah's show as it was at 1am GMT :sleep:

I hope everyone else enjoyed it though. :thumbsup:

Vote today goes to Mariah for her sterling efforts and I would like to see her in the top 10 - maybe she will do another show a little earlier or even at the weekend that I could see ;) :kiss:
Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

My votes for the past several days have all gone out to Nina Mercedez. She was part of my orignal confimred list and I allways stay true to my word, but I hope she won't mind me trying to help out some of the other contestants .


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

If you ever wondered why Bree Olsen is top of the list, but has not posted in this thread, then I suggest checking her Ask me (Bree Olson) any question ya want thread. She does seem to have spent a lot of time here.
Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

eagerly waiting


Official Checked Star Member
Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

it isn't going to happen for me this time but hey, I made it to round 3 which is great for me. I am honored and feel like I made some new friends. I hope you guys have enjoyed the photos and videos and that you'll consider a membership to my site. You probably have no idea how enormous it is. Most people join thinking it's another site with some videos and photos and some links to a cam network....not my site. it's HUGE. over 40gigs of full-length videos and more than 20k photos and what you saw (or missed) last night happens twice a week when I'm in town.

enough of the ad, but seriously, take a leap of faith and do yourself a favor.

It's 5am and I'm working on my site...every morning. So I have to get back to it. Have a great day!
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