Milly Morris / Jessika T / Monika T / Busty Milly

and you contributed how many?

For a person who wasn't part of the original exchange, someone sure got their knickers in a twist awfully easily. But, hey... I'm not here to start a pissing match with anyone. In retrospect, I failed to acknowledge that the yahoo group did, in fact, have more than a few links to decent shots of her. As for my contribution to the yahoo group, I guess there are those who think "in for a penny, in for a pound" is a code to live by. Sorry if anyone took umbrage with me stating a somewhat critical opinion of something.

does anyone know where this sexy shower scene of milly morris comes
from? ie which movie
would love to know more info! :helpme:

don't know about the full video, but here are some other links to clips of the same video
these clips are posted on the Yahoo milly page. Pages 373 and 397 of thsi thread will help you get there to see what else is posted.
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