Military Service... (uh oh, this might get hot!)


Seraphim said:
The topic of discussion really hits home. I am veteran who faithfully served my country for 4 years. I was soldier, by that I mean I was in combat arms in the Airborne/Air Assault Infantry to be exact.
Desertion is a totally different offense than draft dodging. I can understand dodging a draft because of religious or personal beliefs, trust me no one wants a guy like that around when the shit hits the fan and bullets are flying!
My problem is with deserters. You are already in the service. IMO the time to object is before not after. It's an offense that has no statutes of limitations. It is not a "criminal" offense rather a violation of the UCMJ (uniform code of military justice). A totally different set of rules and regulations. He should be prosecuted and more than likely the panel (not jury) will take into account his age and be lenient.

Thanx for saving me all that typing.:glugglug: This is actually weird. This was word-for-word what I was going to say. Except 8 years, World-wide deployable Communications.
Seraphim said:
As for atrocities committed in times of war I'll say this. History is written by the winner. Had Hitler and Hirohito won WWII would our generals and chiefs of staff been tried and convicted as war criminals? Yes, you better believe it. The object of war is to win and most wars are won by attrition.

Interesting idea. I don't really think that in general most "winners" of wars try to bring to trial and imprison/ punish thier opponents. At least it doesn't seem that is common to most of the conflicts that the US has been involved in. I may be mistaken. Of course I don't have any doubts that Hitler would have instituted punishments against our soliders, but not out of any sense of upholding the Geneva convention or any other such rules of fair conduct. I think maybe what you are trying to demonstrate is that what is deemed as right and wrong is viewed differently depending on whose side you are on, especially in the heat of battle. If that is the case, then I agree with you on that.

I'm glad to see that this topic has not gotten so heated as expected.I find myself agreeing with nearly everything that has been brought up here because there are a lot of intelligent and well thought out points. I guess it just goes to show that human experience is something that can't be so easily fit into a neat box and maybe we should keep that in mind when it comes to dealing with situations. my 2 pennies.


Staff member
Another touchy subject. But for me desertion is an act of cowardise. I have talked about this subject with some USMC officers and people who were in the parajumpers, for them desertion is betraying your country by not serving it or by refusing to go to war, that is my opinion.They also said to me: " When you are involved in the army, you should be proud of it, you fight for the honor of your country and for a noble cause". I will also agree with the Winston Churchill quote in BNF's post. In the older times, if you were a desertor, you could be shot for that. That was the case in the armies of UK, France and Western Germany.
Just my opinion.


Closed Account
Muhammad Ali served his time, but I think statutes of limitations should be enacted on this one.

Did you know people are dying in Iraq? Who gives a flying fuck about some old bastard, stopping a meaningless war should be on every headline.


4G63 said:
Muhammad Ali served his time, but I think statutes of limitations should be enacted on this one.

Did you know people are dying in Iraq? Who gives a flying fuck about some old bastard, stopping a meaningless war should be on every headline.


He did not want to fight in a stupid, wasteful, idiotic war (Vietnam). And he wasen't anywhere near combat.

Who gives a fuck? No one should - imo.

General or dishonourable discharge and send him home.
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It's good to be the king...
mcrocket said:

He did not want to fight in a stupid, wasteful, idiotic war (Vietnam). And he wasen't anywhere near combat.

Who gives a fuck? No one should - imo.

General or dishonourable discharge and send him home.

"I Ain't Got No Quarrel With The VietCong...No VietCong Ever Called Me Ni88er"
Muhammad Ali, 1966

When you recall the time he lived in (allowed to represent his country in the Olympics & at war, but barred from sitting in "white" sections of segregated establishments), I don't blame him for taking that stance.

(just my :2 cents: - sorry for the diverson)