Military Family Group Urges Obama to End Afghan War

9/11 was an inside job. Check to see who was getting rich after 9/11, despite the war, recession. saw this on a dvd called zietgist, im convinced and fucking pissed off!
9/11 was an inside job. Check to see who was getting rich after 9/11, despite the war, recession. Saw this on a dvd called zietgist, im convinced and fucking pissed off!

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Wow... this thread is an example why any kind of ideology scares me.

Just a couple of comments... we have an all volunteer military, so why should people complain when they get sent to war when they signed up of their own free will? Also, most military members I know that have been to Iraq and/or Afghanistan asked to go back, they believed in what they were doing, they love their jobs, and also made a lot of money being deployed. :2 cents:



Seems you're about an administration too late with this...or at minimum have your wires crossed.

1 fella in the White House...dabbles his military in Afghanistan...takes the effort the brink of failure after nearly 8 years of "muddling our way"....the next boss comes in and redoubles the effort, makes it a primary focus but all of the sudden there is a suggest (now) that we're not using our forces "to a greater capacity"?

in matters pertaining to Afghanistan, the "next boss" has been tentative at best , how long did it take him to finally make up his mind about sending Mcchrystal his troop order ? I truly believe that he was waiting for "his" Nobel Appease Prize acceptance speech to arrive before making such a commitment, after all he needed a script for which he could sooth over his anti war constituency ... guess what ? it worked didn't it ?
Not a peep out of the good anti war democratiks and where the hell was code pinko and that loudmouth leader of theirs following Obama's acceptance speach ? :crickets:

On another note, at least "w" kept those shaggy shady dudes in Al quata on the run, however, Obama and erik holder, the sleazy despicable Anti American a - hole he is are more than eager to accommodate them in Illinois with that giant special interest program trading in terrorism.... can I submit a bid to build the mosque in this community ?
erik holder, the sleazy despicable Anti American a - hole he is

Could you refresh my memory as to why Eric Holder is anti American?
I know I should know, but without a score pad it's hard for me to keep track of who all in the Obama administration isn't a real american, and why.
in matters pertaining to Afghanistan, the "next boss" has been tentative at best , how long did it take him to finally make up his mind about sending Mcchrystal his troop order ? I truly believe that he was waiting for "his" Nobel Appease Prize acceptance speech to arrive before making such a commitment, after all he needed a script for which he could sooth over his anti war constituency ... guess what ? it worked didn't it ?
Not a peep out of the good anti war democratiks and where the hell was code pinko and that loudmouth leader of theirs following Obama's acceptance speach ? :crickets:

On another note, at least "w" kept those shaggy shady dudes in Al quata on the run, however, Obama and erik holder, the sleazy despicable Anti American a - hole he is are more than eager to accommodate them in Illinois with that giant special interest program trading in terrorism.... can I submit a bid to build the mosque in this community ?

"....the fuck" are you babbling about???? What a bunch of nonsensical mumbo-jumbo.

"tentative"??? One of the first fucking things he ever did as POTUS was send nearly 20k additional forces to Afghanistan. Not sure how you spin that unless you have bullshit colored glasses or outright blinders.

But not that any truth would make a dent in the "fuzzy" (un)reason of yokels determined to make the facts as they see it sans any reality.

His supporters who are the so-called anti war-niks have been (ignorantly) critical of him for not just escalation but not ending our mission there outright. Despite his fulfilling of not only a long held policy position but campaign promise (and it's the right thing to do after the near criminal fumbling of it by former sINC (sucker)) Dubba.

I know there is a detached conditioning that has caused many to erroneously conclude the deployment of tens of thousands of forces is just something you get a recommendation on and do. Obama is ultimately responsible for every life he sends in to battle and to every life affected by such decision. If I were still in uniform today I know I would appreciate such sobriety and deliberation. In this, case making the right decisions are more important than the relative time taken to make it.

But even so, there are wider policy considerations beyond what we send to Afghanistan and that was most likely a contributing factor in the deliberations. Obama could seen McChrystal 20k more than he asked for and it wouldn't make much of a difference if other policy circumstances weren't being met beyond Afghanistan.

Re: is widely and roundly held that it should be closed. Now, the GiT-niks whined with nimbyism over the detainees....So to assuage those concerns they are apparently going to Obama's state. Now it's a "special interest" project when he puts them in his backyard.:rolleyes: just can "appease" them.:hammer: