So which sets have come out then poggy

Michelle has had three released out of five and so has Lucy. Guess why I know that ;) Plus if you search for actual official websites and not blogs or forums showing these pictures. You won't find any of them. You'll see why if you read my post here on Lucy's thread...

I did PM BNF as soon as the links to these blogs started to appear. As this could cause trouble for the board. Even though this board isn't hosting them. As they are hosting links to them. I know of 6 forums in trouble with something like that because of these pictures.

Now you know why I never linked to blogs. Why I only supply to blogs I know well from other times they've worked or been places with me. Also why I never post copyrighted material. Not even because I could lose my contacts although that is the main reason. Posting copyrighted material only leads to trouble for everyone. Especially this place I love so much, there is no way I'd put this board under threat like that.

Anyway your link isn't even the full size images you get as a member of Only Tease. They are just the small image set you can have. But even then it's still stolen content as the pictures haven't even been released by the company who owns them. As well as not even been selected for the free uncopyrighted preview images.

You know what the real sad thing is. The people who do this actually think that the company or it's employees aren't watching the boards, blogs or such as Yahoo groups. They usually are and why boards and such end up getting closed.
Confirmed tonight on the BBC Weakest Link. Recently married Michelle admitted she is pregnant. She also introduced herself as a model/singer/actress.
You know why these /\ are on Imagevenue?

It's because they are stolen copyrighted content. As Only Tease hasn't even released the set to it's members yet. Never mind even done a free preview. Also the reason they are on a blog and not a official website page.
Any good naked pics of Michelle out there?

You mean fully naked?

If you do, as I've said many times before. She did only one softcore fully nude artistic shoot for Perfect 10. It was very early in her career and she said she'd never do any again. As she didn't like doing the shoot. There are no preview pictures ever been made available and the pictures are copyrighted. So you won't see them unless you join Perfect 10 and they still have them up.

Plus as she is about to have a baby and at the moment and retired from modelling. I don't expect too much new from Michelle at the moment. But never say never as her husband isn't a top football earner by a long way :D


Closed Account
Michelle Marsh on Onlytease!


This pictures is wonderful

The galleries is on this link:

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