Michele Bachmann

When I heard he was on a trip,I said to myself good as I don't think he has done enough of such things and doing such is a part of being president.

Personally I don't care what the wicked witch of the mid west (Michele Bachmann) thinks about anything anyway.The district that just re-elected her must be full of some real morons.
Hey, Facetious, even if Obama was blowing $200 million/day on this trip Bachmann still needs to shut the fuck up. He's the President and doesn't need her approval to take state trips. Did this festering cunt ever question Bush when he went on a trip? Hell fucking no. Fuck her.

Funnier still...why the fuck is he asking me this???:1orglaugh

How did you arrive at your figures? You do have figures, right?
Are you sure that you have everything itemized?

I'm not the one making the trekkie spaced out, crockamaymie claim. A d:clown:nce, "elected"(?) offishal who's job it is to know what the fuck they're talking about (for the sake of all of us) before the prop themselves up to a mic did.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Her and the rest of the usual ignoramus right-wing echo chamber. They rattle off these made up ""facts" as if they were real. Who writes the scripts for these professional liars?


Hey, Facetious, even if Obama was blowing $200 million/day on this trip Bachmann still needs to shut the fuck up. He's the President and doesn't need her approval to take state trips.
Yea, he's the president whose core constituency is made up of people who won't have to pay down the obligation (taxes) required to cover the costs of this 5*champage and caviar trip . . milk those tax paying private sector mo fos for all it's worth, in spite of what happened to his congress last week, I get it.
C'mon, Obama has a credit card with no charge limit . . and his political enemies are the ones who have to pay the bill? What do you think he's gonna do? He's gonna "YES :thefinger WE :thefingerCAN" us, that's what!

This is interesting from Political Fact Check:
As fact-checkers, we wish we had hard numbers from public documents to settle the issue of the cost of Obama's trip to India. But they don't exist. White House officials say details about foreign travel -- including the cost -- are not released for security reasons. So we don't know the cost to taxpayers of Obama's trip.

Nice loophole! :hatsoff: and I thought that it was his smoking was the reason he's always in transit. :p
Did this festering cunt ever question Bush when he went on a trip?[/B] Hell fucking no.
She sure did . . ''How man cords of wood did you cut at the ranch, Mr President? . . . lotsa 'llegals down there now in Midland I understand, George?" :1orglaugh

Seriously, That's about all 'w' did was go on a trip, f'en homebody! :shy:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
What's really sad about Bachmann (in addition to the fact that she's batshit crazy and yet some people will believe anything she says) is that she has a degree in Accounting from one of the finer universities in the U.S.: William & Mary. When she says something borderline retarded that relates to finance, I find it increasingly hard to believe that her degree is legitimate.

A second rate Indian newspaper, probably with an office beside an open sewer, reported the ridiculous $200 million/day figure. And then Michele Bachmann, along with various other wingnuts, picked up on the number without employing a fact check... or basic common sense. That's where this foolishness came from.

I believe that spending is going to have to be addressed, along with tax and trade policy, to get our budget in order. But the more I hear from these Tea Party types like Bachmann, the more obvious it becomes that there is not enough intellectual horsepower on the right (and maybe not the left either) to do anything other than pick an arbitrary % in programs they don't like to cut.

Has anyone noticed that the near trillion (yes, with a "t") dollars spent in Iraq has never seemed to bother these Tea Party, make-believe "physical" conservatives? I use that term because my local newspaper printed a scathing letter from one of these kooks and that's how he referred to himself: a "physical" conservative. :rolleyes: Probably some guy who lives in a Section 8 trailer and is on SSI, but gets lathered up when he sees a woman paying for her groceries with food stamps. You know the ones I'm talking about! The ones who whine incessantly about "socialism"... and their kids get discounted lunches at the local public school.

Wingnutters: no clue, no common sense... no problem. Ya gotta luv 'em! :facepalm:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Facetious- It's well documented that Bush spent more time on vacation than any president in history, of course you'll never complain about that. And in case you didn't know Bush took 49 foreign trips while president. Want to bitch about that? Conservatives really don't give a shit about trivial things like facts, as long as they can bash Obama they're happy.

Bush By The Numbers
This is interesting from Political Fact Check:

As fact-checkers, we wish we had hard numbers from public documents to settle the issue of the cost of Obama's trip to India. But they don't exist. White House officials say details about foreign travel -- including the cost -- are not released for security reasons. So we don't know the cost to taxpayers of Obama's trip.

Nice loophole!

:facepalm: Well, the genius of the fact check link is they provide a frame of reference for what $200 m/b would actually pay for when they cite P'gon spokesman's quote which says the ENTIRE COST per day in Afghanistan is 'only' $190 million.

I mean, doesn't that bit of perspective allow you to :)sing:For :sunny:nce in You Life:sing:) extrapolate what makes sense and what doesn't?

That was the whole reason for the fact checkers to include what it costs per day for the entire operation in Afghanistan...so people with common sense can see how idiotic the claim Bachman and her insane clown posse makes EVEN WITHOUT the exact figures of Obama's trip.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Dr. Ron Paul is a philosophical libertarian, and has been for many years. Whether one agrees or disagrees with his positions, he is nothing if not consistent in his beliefs. There is no (absolutely NO) intellectual bond between Ron Paul and low-brow people like Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin. That would be like comparing a Chemistry PhD. to a kid who serves ice cream at the local Baskin-Robbins, just because they both work with "mixtures and formulas".
Perhaps if we sent the bombers over and lit up Paki, the Rightwing Extremists would support Obama instead of ginning up a phony argument over travel expenses :rolleyes::facepalm:

I like this faux outrage by the Extreme Right, but if they are so hellbent on beating the war drum everywhere...I wish they would enlist to storm the beaches and fly the planes instead of dodging military service... just sayin' :o
What else is new --really?

A G:clown:per vp candy-date along with a whole "noose" network tried to tie Obama to a claim he's "paling around with terrarists"....Evidence?:confused: He served on a 'bored' of some 50+ other academics and one of whom was a part of some radical group at one time in his life (40 years ago) when Obama was 8 or 9 years old.

But to some here, Obama is the biggest loser?:1orglaugh I don't think we've even seen the half of some the shit these idiots are willing to claim.

Get yer :popcorn: ready...gonna be a long next 2....I think there will be a day when this claim...idiotic as it may be, will pale in comparison to some of what will be put out.
Oh, yeah, whatever happened to Crawford Texas anyway? (Shh....that was just to sandbag yokel America...they moved outta there immediately :rolleyes:)

Yeah, it was all a hoax and front. That sand dabber Arbusto is living it up cosmopolitan style in Dallas digs now.

He's traded the pickup in for a Maybach 57 for Laura and a 62 for himself. No more cowboy boots...it's penny loafer city now....:nanner:
Hey, Facetious, even if Obama was blowing $200 million/day on this trip Bachmann still needs to shut the fuck up. He's the President and doesn't need her approval to take state trips. Did this festering cunt ever question Bush when he went on a trip? Hell fucking no. Fuck her.

Ooh, xfire you are so right! Because it would be so UNAMERICAN of Bachman or any other of Obama's subjects to question authority and demand accountability. After all, those who founded this country NEVER did anything like that. All they did was blindly support their leader only because he seemed to espouse like minded political views. Oh wait, that's not what happened? They had the spine to question what was going on and the courage to do something about it? That's a novel idea, one that you, xfire, appear to be completely unfamiliar with.
Ooh, xfire you are so right! Because it would be so UNAMERICAN of Bachman or any other of Obama's subjects to question authority and demand accountability. After all, those who founded this country NEVER did anything like that. All they did was blindly support their leader only because he seemed to espouse like minded political views. Oh wait, that's not what happened? They had the spine to question what was going on and the courage to do something about it? That's a novel idea, one that you, xfire, appear to be completely unfamiliar with.

Factually what xf says is true. But even if she wanted to fly off the handle with something stupid (for the ump-teenth time) she would at least not make as big an ass of herself as to claim Obama's trip will cost $200 million a day when the entire cost of our deployment in Afghanistan doesn't even cost that much.

Or do you want to join in with the rest of the batshit cl:clown:wns and say she's possibly right just because there is no documented evidence she is dead-fucking-wrong (again) because the information is classified?

By the way, her figures include a loony suggestion Obama's trip will require a 34 ship Naval armada ....a suggestion TOTALLY obliterated and debunked as utter nonsense by the P'gon (putting it nicely).


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I've no problem with people questioning what's going on. However, Michelle Bachmann has shown time and time again that she's willing to repeat any lie needed to to bolster her position. Honest opposition is one thing, blind partisan bomb-throwing is quite another. Further, it was fuckers like Bachmann that were running around calling opponents of the Bush presidency "un-American", so hey, what's good for one is good for all.
Okay I get it. When George Bush went on trips overseas He was showing American power. When Obama does it he is spending too much. That's bullshit I get only Republicans can show American power.
Okay I get it. When George Bush went on trips overseas He was showing American power. When Obama does it he is spending too much. That's bullshit I get only Republicans can show American power.

'Ever hear of jet lag?"