Marlo Manson
Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Whats the difference between pittbulls and deer, chicken, cows, other animals that are killed for fur.
Do you protest for PETA? Or stand up for any other animal rights? Do you eat meat? Wear leather or fur? Do you actually care about animals? You did say it all good to kill other animals because it's legal, so you obviously don't care about animals as much as you think. So why are so mad at Vick?
What purpose do pittbulls give to our society? They're not cute! They don't tase good! We cant even wear them! People get attacked by these things all the time, so why do we care? There not your typical dog! At least dog-fighting gave them a purpose! It's obvious we treat animals differently, so why not pittbulls?
Theres guys playing sports who have done harm to actual humans, but we give them a second shot. :dunno:
Theres lots of people who do bad things twards animals, but we get mad at Vick because he's makes a lot of money.
I understand the need to kill certain animals for food, clothing, and although I still don't like it, it is a necessary evil that humans have to do to survive, gods intent and plans for life allows other animals to kill each other and other species of life to live off of. :yinyang:
Its the food chain, I understand this.. I wear leather.. NOT fur, I do eat meat, I DON'T kill any animal for sport or pleasure.. that said, vick is a piece of shit, and anybody else that does that to animals whether it be dogs, birds, hens, bulls, whatever pits animal against animal for human satisfaction, monetary awards, or entertainment is just WRONG, and I am saying this about any athlete, musician, actor, famous personality that does this.. :yesyes:
They, like it or not, are examples for their fans to follow! regardless of my personal feelings towards Vick, any person who is involved in that type of entertainment / activity is a coward!! a str8 up bitch like I said before about Vick! just my opinion.. and yeah I would say that to M. Vicks face! whats he gonna do? :dunno:
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