Michael Vick's Mansion up for auction

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Whats the difference between pittbulls and deer, chicken, cows, other animals that are killed for fur.

Do you protest for PETA? Or stand up for any other animal rights? Do you eat meat? Wear leather or fur? Do you actually care about animals? You did say it all good to kill other animals because it's legal, so you obviously don't care about animals as much as you think. So why are so mad at Vick?

What purpose do pittbulls give to our society? They're not cute! They don't tase good! We cant even wear them! People get attacked by these things all the time, so why do we care? There not your typical dog! At least dog-fighting gave them a purpose! It's obvious we treat animals differently, so why not pittbulls?

Theres guys playing sports who have done harm to actual humans, but we give them a second shot. :dunno:

Theres lots of people who do bad things twards animals, but we get mad at Vick because he's makes a lot of money.

I understand the need to kill certain animals for food, clothing, and although I still don't like it, it is a necessary evil that humans have to do to survive, gods intent and plans for life allows other animals to kill each other and other species of life to live off of. :yinyang:

Its the food chain, I understand this.. I wear leather.. NOT fur, I do eat meat, I DON'T kill any animal for sport or pleasure.. that said, vick is a piece of shit, and anybody else that does that to animals whether it be dogs, birds, hens, bulls, whatever pits animal against animal for human satisfaction, monetary awards, or entertainment is just WRONG, and I am saying this about any athlete, musician, actor, famous personality that does this.. :yesyes:

They, like it or not, are examples for their fans to follow! regardless of my personal feelings towards Vick, any person who is involved in that type of entertainment / activity is a coward!! a str8 up bitch like I said before about Vick! just my opinion.. and yeah I would say that to M. Vicks face! whats he gonna do? :dunno:
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I understand the need to kill certain animals for food, clothing, and although I still don't like it, it is a necessary evil that humans have to do to survive, gods intent and plans for life allows other animals to kill each other and other species of life to live off of. :yinyang:

Its the food chain, I understand this.. I wear leather.. NOT fur, I do eat meat, I DON'T kill any animal for sport or pleasure.. that said, vick is a piece of shit, and anybody else that does that to animals whether it be dogs, birds, hens, bulls, whatever pits animal against animal for human satisfaction, monetary awards, or entertainment is just WRONG, and I am saying this about any athlete, musician, actor, famous personality that does this.. :yesyes:

They, like it or not, are examples for their fans to follow! regardless of my personal feelings towards Vick, any person who is involved in that type of entertainment / activity is a coward!! a str8 up bitch like I said before about Vick! just my opinion.. and yeah I would say that to M. Vicks face! whats he gonna do? :dunno:

In no way do I condone what Vick did to those animals! That shit was sick and the details where a little disturbing.

Vick took a massive hit and because of his celebrity, was obviously made an example of. Was it fair? Not really, compaired to others, but he served his and now it's time to move on.

I just can't stand the people who give him such a hard time and act like he commited murder. They look at the tv and say; "Thats sick! He should get life for that!", then they take a bite from their juicy burger. Such hippocrates! IMO!

Then again, I look at pittbulls differently! My cousin when she was 12 was viciously attacked by one of those creatures. Couldn't that thing tell she wasn't attcking a 35-year-old man? Fucking idiot! I'm glade that thing was killed! The owner had no problem either, because at the end of the day, ITS JUST ANOTHER ANIMAL!!!

Ray Lewis is still playing in the NFL and he aledgedly stabbed and murdered a man! There were even witnesses to prove it!

LOL, then theres guys like Pacman Jones! I bet he gets a shot before Vick! Why!? :dunno:

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
In no way do I condone what Vick did to those animals! That shit was sick and the details where a little disturbing.

Vick took a massive hit and because of his celebrity, was obviously made an example of. Was it fair? Not really, compaired to others, but he served his and now it's time to move on.

I just can't stand the people who give him such a hard time and act like he commited murder. They look at the tv and say; "Thats sick! He should get life for that!", then they take a bite from their juicy burger. Such hippocrates! IMO!

Then again, I look at pittbulls differently! My cousin when she was 12 was viciously attacked by one of those creatures. Couldn't that thing tell she wasn't attcking a 35-year-old man? Fucking idiot! I'm glade that thing was killed! The owner had no problem either, because at the end of the day, ITS JUST ANOTHER ANIMAL!!!

Ray Lewis is still playing in the NFL and he aledgedly stabbed and murdered a man! There were even witnesses to prove it!

LOL, then theres guys like Pacman Jones! I bet he gets a shot before Vick! Why!? :dunno:

I feel for your cousin I truly do. but to stereo type the breed cuz of a more frequent tendency for that breed to be aggressive and attack is justified, people if they own those breed of dogs should be extra RESPONSIBLE for keeping their animal in control and not have it endanger anybody unjustly!

I don't say vick should be jailed for life.. he fucked up, I still think he's a piece of shit, just as I think pacman jones, and ray lewis are in the same boat! no pun intended, but I am talking about any asshole athlete's or celebrities who break the law should be dealt with the same as us common folk!!

I don't give a fuck who it is!! if they fuck up, do the time!! plain and simple.. and I do frown upon all of those guys for their extracurricular activities when they are adorned, admired, and worshipped by impressionable youngins that will follow whatever their hero's are doing!?

Am I somehow mistaken in assuming that?? just think of all these youngins taking all this :bs: in?? plexico buress carrying and concealing an illegal gun and then is fucking dumb enough to shoot himself in the leg?? :rolleyes: if dat were me, I'd get 2 years in prison NO questions asked!! what does he get?? a fuckin slap on the wrist!! shit like that makes them bad apples and complete fucktards IMO! :yesyes::D

p.s. to be honest if they act like wanna be gangsta's I don't give a fuck who gets got 1st!! live the life, die the life!
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I feel for your cousin I truly do. but to stereo type the breed cuz of a more frequent tendency for that breed to be aggressive and attack is justified, people if they own those breed of dogs should be extra RESPONSIBLE for keeping their animal in control and not have it endanger anybody unjustly!

I don't say vick should be jailed for life.. he fucked up, I still think he's a piece of shit, just as I think pacman jones, and ray lewis are in the same boat! no pun intended, but I am talking about any asshole athlete's or celebrities who break the law should be dealt with the same as us common folk!!

I don't give a fuck who it is!! if they fuck up, do the time!! plain and simple.. and I do frown upon all of those guys for their extracurricular activities when they are adorned, admired, and worshipped by impressionable youngins that will follow whatever their hero's are doing!?

Am I somehow mistaken in assuming that?? just think of all these youngins taking all this :bs: in?? plexico buress carrying and concealing an illegal gun and then is fucking dumb enough to shoot himself in the leg?? :rolleyes: if dat were me, I'd get 2 years in prison NO questions asked!! what does he get?? a fuckin slap on the wrist!! shit like that makes them bad apples and complete fucktards IMO! :yesyes::D

p.s. to be honest if they act like wanna be gangsta's I don't give a fuck who gets got 1st!! live the life, die the life!

The point that I'm trying to make is that I don't see a huge difference between what Vick did and the people who regularly kill animals. Cruelty to animals and gambling. Thats it? So he should have his life striped away, when there are criminals still playing the game today? If they get a fair shot, why not Vick?

Also, the reason why talk about pittbulls is because I don't see them differently from other animals. What makes them so special? People say; "well, he killed dogs. Their more special than any other type of animal!". How many people own pittbulls? Not very much, mainly because their dangerous!

Theres people in asia who kill and eat a type of dog! Why don't we focus our attention on them? I just think there are much bigger things to worry about, but NO let's focus on Vick! I just wish society was a little consistent on their arguments! :dunno:
The point that I'm trying to make is that I don't see a huge difference between what Vick did and the people who regularly kill animals. Cruelty to animals and gambling. Thats it? So he should have his life striped away, when there are criminals still playing the game today? If they get a fair shot, why not Vick?

Also, the reason why talk about pittbulls is because I don't see them differently from other animals. What makes them so special? People say; "well, he killed dogs. Their more special than any other type of animal!". How many people own pittbulls? Not very much, mainly because their dangerous!

Theres people in asia who kill and eat a type of dog! Why don't we focus our attention on them? I just think there are much bigger things to worry about, but NO let's focus on Vick! I just wish society was a little consistent on their arguments! :dunno:

it isnt about pitbulls. it is about someone getting animals and training, breeding them to fight and die. oh. he also electrocuted them, and beat them to death. whether or not it was pitbulls, or elephants, cats, deer, snakes is irrelevant. he is a piece of shit with no respect for life.

and about your argument about the players like ray lewis and pacman jones. they shouldnt be in the league either. so because they were allowed to play, they should let more criminals play?

vick is getting a second chance. at life. which he deserves. he can get a job. and work, and be free. but he sure the fuck doesnt deserve a chance to play in the nfl again. it is a privelege. not a right.

fuck mike vick. and fuck every other piece of shit that think they can do whatever they want cuz they play sports for a living.
it isnt about pitbulls. it is about someone getting animals and training, breeding them to fight and die. oh. he also electrocuted them, and beat them to death. whether or not it was pitbulls, or elephants, cats, deer, snakes is irrelevant. he is a piece of shit with no respect for life.

and about your argument about the players like ray lewis and pacman jones. they shouldnt be in the league either. so because they were allowed to play, they should let more criminals play?

vick is getting a second chance. at life. which he deserves. he can get a job. and work, and be free. but he sure the fuck doesnt deserve a chance to play in the nfl again. it is a privelege. not a right.

fuck mike vick. and fuck every other piece of shit that think they can do whatever they want cuz they play sports for a living.

Im totally aware of that! Which is why he took a massive hit! He didn't get a slap on the wrist, he was clearly made an example of because of his celebrity. He deserved it! Lost around 30-40 million dollars!

Yes, is if they get their shot, why not Vick? I peronaly think all the criminals should be banned. Which is why I say I wish society was much more consistent.

I just wish the people bash Vick will wake up and look at the bigger picture! :dunno:

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
The point that I'm trying to make is that I don't see a huge difference between what Vick did and the people who regularly kill animals. Cruelty to animals and gambling. Thats it? So he should have his life striped away, when there are criminals still playing the game today? If they get a fair shot, why not Vick?

Also, the reason why talk about pittbulls is because I don't see them differently from other animals. What makes them so special? People say; "well, he killed dogs. Their more special than any other type of animal!". How many people own pittbulls? Not very much, mainly because their dangerous!

Theres people in asia who kill and eat a type of dog! Why don't we focus our attention on them? I just think there are much bigger things to worry about, but NO let's focus on Vick! I just wish society was a little consistent on their arguments! :dunno:

Sorry rwill25 you and I will have to agree to disagree! I agree whole heartedly with what STDiva just posted! I couldn't have posted it any better than he did, infact thats exactly the point I was trying to make!

STDiva explained it with form and I was just making points that led in the same direction / conclusion! but I agree wit STDiva 100% m. vick is a piece of shit along wit all the rest of those fucktards who don't know how to act, whether it be athlete's, musicians, actors..etc! :yesyes:

STDiva rep for you!
Sorry rwill25 you and I will have to agree to disagree! I agree whole heartedly with what STDiva just posted! I couldn't have posted it any better than he did, infact thats exactly the point I was trying to make!

STDiva explained it with form and I was just making points that led in the same direction / conclusion! but I agree wit STDiva 100% m. vick is a piece of shit along wit all the rest of those fucktards who don't know how to act, whether it be athlete's, musicians, actors..etc! :yesyes:

STDiva rep for you!

We don't totally diagree!

It's just that Vick is being treated unfairly compaired to society as a whole! I just hope he gets another shot at the NFL like those other criminals.

...or Maybe the NFL needs to step up and just ban everyone with these criminal records. I going to lose my mind if Pacman gets another shot. Stop being selective and be more consistent! :D

I got no beef with you Marlo, just with the NFL! I wish the NFL thought more like you!

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
We don't totally diagree!

It's just that Vick is being treated unfairly compaired to society as a whole! I just hope he gets another shot at the NFL like those other criminals.

...or Maybe the NFL needs to step up and just ban everyone with these criminal records. Stop being selective and be more consistent! :D

I got no beef with you Marlo, just with the NFL!

Were good rwill, I've never had a beef wit you! I understand your feelings about the issue! perhaps the NFL and all of the major professional sports leagues should band together and implement an automatic 3 year ban for any player who is found guilty of a felony within the past 3 - 6 years or something along that line would be very affective in taming a wild character..

Infact, I think that would be a great deterrent for all athletes who are prone to trouble, I think that would force them too think twice before they take a chance with their livelihood! and I bet you, that would curtail a huge percentage of all this unbecoming, childish behavior allot of these athletes partake in and or involve themselves with!!

I think athlete's who are convicted felons they should not be rewarded for their behavior.. they take for granted what most can't even dream about and therefore should be forced to play in a different league where the outcasts and the less talented play!

I definitely think the big leagues are a privilege like STDiva mentioned earlier! thats all.. that said, I don't think any of those fools should be allowed to play in the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB...etc..either!! :hatsoff:


Furthermore -

With any luck, Vick will voluntarily donate to causes fruitful to the humane treatment of our beloved pet friends.

^ I respect your opine, btw, Marlo, always have !
we just see differently on this issue. ;)

Without question, Vick has a thuggish history. I don't know why I see a bright light of hope for the man, but I do.
Let's see what happens.

Back to the home, I believe that the sale of this extravagant home will further humble the man.



Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
one thing on Lweis and Jones, I don't think either one has been convicted of any kind of killing. Lesser charges, been charged? Yep, but not convicted. Once convicted, then the NFL is likely to do something.

I don't think vick should be allowed back in the league, but this is football and as long as you can play well, you can get away with just about anything in this country.