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Michael Moore says watch his new film for free.

The only way I would stomach sitting through this Communist propaganda is if I was promised that at the end of the movie I could have a tire iron and 5 minutes alone with the fucking shit stain that directed it. :D
Maybe he should have done this for last election?

Painting McCain out to be G. Bush is so irresponsible on the Democrats part.

On the major policy issues there is not a dimes worth of difference between McCain and Bush. Especially now since McCain wants the election to be about bull shit social issue so he caved to the social conservative right wing of his party. He dare not mention the economic issues since the republications policies are directly responsible for this mess.


Staff member
Michael Moore is a fat scum sucking pig. Not only are his movies filled with halftruths but with non verifiable sources but also many people have not the courage to dare and question how Michael the fat pig Moore movies are made.


Hiliary 2020
I haven't seen it or nor will I probably ever.
But its true the man while getting rich, does always have an agenda.
So if he's just trying to promote youth voting thats cool.
But more likely he is trying to persuade people to his way of thinking.
I'm on cable, but I'm just not going to download that.

I liked movies and life a lot better when things were done for fun, and not everything was so political.

This guy (Moore, not D-Rock :D ) continues to outdo himself for crassness and jackassery.

Actually taking glee in a hurricane bearing down on New Orleans because it will disrupt the RNC? Then attributing it to God? Wow- absolutely classless.


LMAO, I am in tears right now. I don't hear too many people use the word "glee" and the way you said it was too funny. I agree with you, but it was just funny the way you said it.
I am a huge fan of Moore.. He actually turned me on to politics. I love all of his movies and I agree with his views about 99% of the time. Basically the movie is about the young youth in the country and how my generation is going to have to clean up what the Bush-crime family has done to this country along with the other insane right wing people. Anyway, the movie is going to be on alot of college campuses including the one i am at. The University Of Florida.. America most come together and deny John McSame this election season. If he wins my generation is fucked for sure. Obama 08'
"I don't own one single share of stock in Haliburton."

He owned several thousand

Source for that???

Devil may be in the details on that....

In any case, it seems like it would be hard to make the "Communist" allegations stick to a guy who knowingly participates in the stock market.
Unfortunately, any good ideas that Moore has (and he has had several) gets overshadowed by his lack of credibility with me in that he has sometimes apparently staged scenes in his movies but presented them as fact to defend his claims.
I am a huge fan of Moore.. He actually turned me on to politics. I love all of his movies and I agree with his views about 99% of the time. Basically the movie is about the young youth in the country and how my generation is going to have to clean up what the Bush-crime family has done to this country along with the other insane right wing people. Anyway, the movie is going to be on alot of college campuses including the one i am at. The University Of Florida.. America most come together and deny John McSame this election season. If he wins my generation is fucked for sure. Obama 08'

Prove it.

Obama is running on a very similar platform that Carter ran on in '76 or so. A presidency as good as the American people. Evidently, the American people were pretty mediocre during Carter's term as his was lackluster at best.

Obama in '08 is not the answer. Obama is not the answer period. Given the fact that you've been converted by Moore speaks volumes as to why you think Obama is going to be the "savior" of our generation. Pull your head out of you ass and realize that you can't promise "change" and get away without saying what you're going to do. He's more vague than a carnival gypsy reading your future from a cheap glass ball.

How the hell do you think he's going to be able to promise all of these social welfare programs and not raise taxes? Free socialized health care...but free to those who don't pay taxes. To him, giving away stuff is the change that he sees, rather than fixing it for the general good.

NObama is the answer. If Obama wins, every generation is fucked for sure.:2 cents:
Prove it.

Obama is running on a very similar platform that Carter ran on in '76 or so. A presidency as good as the American people. Evidently, the American people were pretty mediocre during Carter's term as his was lackluster at best.

Obama in '08 is not the answer. Obama is not the answer period. Given the fact that you've been converted by Moore speaks volumes as to why you think Obama is going to be the "savior" of our generation. Pull your head out of you ass and realize that you can't promise "change" and get away without saying what you're going to do. He's more vague than a carnival gypsy reading your future from a cheap glass ball.

How the hell do you think he's going to be able to promise all of these social welfare programs and not raise taxes? Free socialized health care...but free to those who don't pay taxes. To him, giving away stuff is the change that he sees, rather than fixing it for the general good.

NObama is the answer. If Obama wins, every generation is fucked for sure.:2 cents:

If you want detailed descriptions of Obama's proposals they are at his web site.But most people are not interested in the details of policy and are far more interested in just broad policy statements.It would be nice if they were willing to look at all the fine print and details but for most they would find that very tedious and too time consuming.
But lets talk about so-called "Free socialized health care".And this is really not about what Obama has proposed because he is not where I would like him to be which is a total move to a single payer universal system.Nobody thinks any health care system socialized or not would be "free".In all the other countries (and they all have universal systems of one sort or another) it's not "free".It's just not funded the same way the US funds it.They are able to have universal systems that cover everyone and they spend at least 1/2 the amount per capita on health care that the US does and get better health results as well.So a change to a universal system should be a huge money saver for the US (the estimates are it would be at least 300 billion a year).This is accomplished by the much lower admimistrative costs that would be achieved by eliminating all the seperate insurance companies plus the elimination of the profits these companies are taking.If people in the US think we can't do that we are basically admitting were not as smart and competent as France,the UK,Canada etc.
We will get a universal system just based on the economic angle of it,we can't afford the one we have now which is making us uncompetetive economically with costs that are out of control.A nice side benefit of that change will be the universal coverage and a healthier population.
No Matter who wins the US election in 2008, and no matter what will be politically decided in the following years, no one can stop the total breakdown of the world market what will also lead to a decrement of the living standards, especially referring to the ones in the "western civilisation"

i mean, what we can surely say is:

World civilisation is still growing,there is more and more people over and over.

Due to the fact that democratic structures are tried to be spread around the world more and more, that is among other things spreading the right of self-realisation in any form (for example a modern living standard, making a good graduation, having an own home), more and more persons try to live up to this idea given by the western world.
you can clearly see how asian countries are currently adopting it.

(3.) Because of (2.), nearly everything is getting more and more expensive, because
the amount of people longing for this standard increases rapidly. it is not a Western
monopoly any longer, the Eastern world is awake now.

(4.) Putting these points in a nutshell, it goes far beyond the scope of the limits and capacities Planet Earth has.

==> This may result in wars, fighting for natural resources. you can even observe this in already written history (gulf wars and other wars for hidden economic reasons).

so everyone in the world wants a good life, wants to have internet, a pc, a tv and all the other things that belong to the standard-equipment of modern lifestyle. there are currently about 6,7 billion human beings on the planet.
it is impossible to serve all of them with that standard, so there must be a conflict somewhere in time.

i admit i wrote a bit off the topic, but i kinda wanted to have that said.
No Matter who wins the US election in 2008, and no matter what will be politically decided in the following years, no one can stop the total breakdown of the world market what will also lead to a decrement of the living standards, especially referring to the ones in the "western civilisation"

i mean, what we can surely say is:

World civilisation is still growing,there is more and more people over and over.

Due to the fact that democratic structures are tried to be spread around the world more and more, that is among other things spreading the right of self-realisation in any form (for example a modern living standard, making a good graduation, having an own home), more and more persons try to live up to this idea given by the western world.
you can clearly see how asian countries are currently adopting it.

(3.) Because of (2.), nearly everything is getting more and more expensive, because
the amount of people longing for this standard increases rapidly. it is not a Western
monopoly any longer, the Eastern world is awake now.

(4.) Putting these points in a nutshell, it goes far beyond the scope of the limits and capacities Planet Earth has.

==> This may result in wars, fighting for natural resources. you can even observe this in already written history (gulf wars and other wars for hidden economic reasons).

so everyone in the world wants a good life, wants to have internet, a pc, a tv and all the other things that belong to the standard-equipment of modern lifestyle. there are currently about 6,7 billion human beings on the planet.
it is impossible to serve all of them with that standard, so there must be a conflict somewhere in time.

i admit i wrote a bit off the topic, but i kinda wanted to have that said.

Good post, you have just stated what I have said here many times.That the real underlying crisis that is causing all the others in the world is the population explosion.Here is a web site that if you have never seen I think you will be in agreement with.

Good post, you have just stated what I have said here many times.That the real underlying crisis that is causing all the others in the world is the population explosion.Here is a web site that if you have never seen I think you will be in agreement with.


nice site, i'll give it an in-depth-reading after finishing my pizza.

concerning that population topic, there's a theory out there, the so-called "Olduvai-theory", basically saying that "industrial civilisation" as we know it since about 70 years now, will only last 100 years and then everything will more or less collapse in one form or the other, because mankind and the planet itself cannot bear it any longer and everything will be tuned down and switched back to the middleages, leaving out everything what "modern society" stands for. it scares me, since it might be the case in 30 years.
for sure, natural oil resources will be exhausted in about 30 years.
and without oil as the energy fundament for almost anything we build our modern/industrial lifestyle on
(for example gas/petrol, any plastic and synthetic materials, for heating and firing), many many things wont be possible any longer, so people have to automatically abstain from so many self-evident/natural things and invent/find alternatives.

links to this olduvai theory are below:



i apologize for my apocalyptic outlooks ^^
I dont see all the anger toward him. All his films have had a lot to say and seem to reflect the attitude of the underdogs at the hands of those in control, (or should I say with the power but out of control?)

Roger and Me, Sicko, Farenheit 9/11 all had a lot to say. When he did his TV show, "TV Nation", he had the same level of satire while pointing out hypocracy, that his movies do.

Bowling for Columbine, I didn't fully agree with but overall, he does some great stuff.