Mexico hails arrest of second drug kingpin 'El Grande' as major victory over cartels


Believer In GregCentauro
Re: Mexico hails arrest of second drug kingpin 'El Grande' as major victory over cart

Of course it's too simplistic for me to say that. But with proper regulation and with the addition of proper social programs put in place for users both casual and addicted; instead of looking upon them as criminals which has already overloaded our prison system massively and is destroying vast areas of the inner cities we can hope to begin to change the environment upon which the flow of illegal drugs has effected peoples lives and their communities. Now of course to say that there will not be those who garner such huge profits off of this fighting for their very survival in order to hang onto their business would be ignorant, but the theory is that you would hope that those who have to deal with these kinds of people would see how in not dealing with them in order to get their fix is better for their own safety, security and health and better for the communities in which they live.

This is a very complicated issue and it of course cannot be addressed entirely within the space of one paragraph. But I can only see legalisation as the only real way of combating this multi-billion dollar "drug war" that has proven to have been a complete and utter failure.

Oh, yea I wasnt singling you out or anything...i just mean in general the issue of violence in the Latin American countries is as you say very complex...

I think the biggest issue with legalizing drugs is that while it might help with incarceration rates, the violence we are seeing in other countries would not stop even if it was legal. Your average joe drug user NEVER comes into any contact with any of these types of suppliers. They get them from the street gangs and dealers who for the most part are NOT violent with their customers. Violent crimes are surprisingly committed by a lot of people on drugs as well...

But in the end I see the violence not ending. The "harder" drugs, which would most certainly HAVE to remain illegal (cocaine, heroin, PCP), are the ones these kingpins make money off of. So the black market would still exist. Besides even if these drugs WERE legal, I guarantee the black marketers would undercut the prices and continue to rake in the profits. So then the government (in order to profit) would have to make drugs so ridiculously cheap, we would see are already HUGEE drug problem grow even more with an abundance of cheap drugs. And again a lot of the areas where crack is the most abundant, is where most of the crime (violent) is.

I really dont see legalization as a viable option. There are certainly some "drugs" which could be legalized, but it would be insane for the government to legalize such harmful and addictive substances for the public...