metal gear solid 4

yea definiety will buy that game
I played the third one
it was pretty fun

and the last Solid seems pretty funny
especially that cow creaming robots
and a new character
i believed is his son will take over his place

then he will be in MG5 after his father's death

_________________________________________ (it's free site that could works for you)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
MG2 is great game, but MG is harder...
MG2 the US one or the japanese one? Yeah definitely buying a PS3 for this and I might have to make it the MGS4 special edition one.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The one which came with Subsistence.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's the traditional view.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The European version.
Ya June 12 the special edition ps3 that is gun metal silver comes out with a bundle pack with the game for $499 thats wat i am waiting for