metal gear solid 4

mgs 4 release date is june 12 official not lot long till we all get to play that gay boy raiden again he is in there again sadly cant wait love this game
raiden sux ass is it only PS3 like usual or will it go multi platform as well

The rumor mole in Xbox official magazine has it from a reliable source that MGS4 will at least come to xbox 360 in about 6 to 8 months . I think it might happen because Konami announced that they would need to sell a million copies on day one to get back their investment on the game . But I guess we'll have to wait and see .
how about this mgs 4 is so big that it didnt even fit on a bluray disc so it haad to be chopped down which konami didnt want to do but was forced to by the limits of disc


Closed Account
Killzone 2 will most likely be overrated.

The trailer looked amazing, but it turns out it wasn't even played on a PS3.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It rocks harder than hard.