The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
How closely do you associate an avatar to the member who uses it? There are a couple of members on here (BlueBalls) who I recongize instantly just because I know that little photo underneath their name. It sucks to be him I suppose because he will never be allowed to change it unless he grows a pair like M12 did when he changed his, but whatever. It's only BlueBalls.
Why start this meaningless thread? Last time I changed my avatar people got pissed off. I'm kind of sick of Fry judging me all the time but there are a couple people on here who would probably bitch, so I want them to identify themselves here so I can ban them beforehand.

Why start this meaningless thread? Last time I changed my avatar people got pissed off. I'm kind of sick of Fry judging me all the time but there are a couple people on here who would probably bitch, so I want them to identify themselves here so I can ban them beforehand.