Megyn Kelly

So many people get irritated when people make claims about Fox "News" being racist and biased and fabricators of information to serve their agenda. But when you have your anchor saying shit like this it has to be hard to continue to defend it at some point, especially when you have your entire panel nodding in agreement with the retard saying the retarded shit.

And then the absolute best part is what the one moron says at the very end. How appropriate!

Now considering the orginin of Santa is a man who went around putting coins in the shoes of villagers in....Turkey!!!!!!!! If you have seen anyone from Turkey you know they are NOT white. This is a depiction of the original Sinterklaas aka St Nicholas.


But I wouldn't be too harsh on Megyn Kelly. She far from being the worst anchor on Fox News.
I'd love her even if she was a liberal. She has a sexy voice and is a smart cookie. She just keeps getting prettier.
Actually Mariah, I had a roommate in college that is Turkish and he looked as white as Ed Begley Jr. As did his sister. They looked more Russian than Turkish. But this was a silly argument. I'm just glad Santa exists.
My point is that the entire fucking network is full of loonies who say stupid shit like this. How arrogant to be a "news anchor" and have to declare that Jesus and Santa are white. Absurd. And she is acting like Santa is fucking real to begin with!!!!!!!

And I've been to Istanbul and 99% of the people are Arabic looking. Yes there are some who have red hair or whatever but as a general rule they are dark complected people.
Considering the fact that Istambul is a very touristic ciy (7th most visited city in 2011) I guess most of the "caucasian" people are tourists. But some might also be local people since half of the city is built on european ground, on the european side of the Bosphorus.
Considering the fact that Istambul is a very touristic ciy (7th most visited city in 2011) I guess most of the "caucasian" people are tourists. But some might also be local people since half of the city is built on european ground, on the european side of the Bosphorus.
See, there you go again. My college roomie and his sister were definitely Turkish. Nobody said anything about the makeup of the city , country or tourism. You are so eager to score a point, you don't even consider the discussion.
I thought Santa Claus was from up north of you. Either he's White or the North Pole has way to lenient of an immigration policy. Another thing; Santa Claus shows up on time, doesn't he?

It would be nice to say that Santa Claus live in Finland, but Jesus born in North Africa so I think that also the guy who gives gifts lived there.

Yes, Santa Claus is always there at the right time.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I thought Santa Claus was from up north of you. Either he's White or the North Pole has way to lenient of an immigration policy. Another thing; Santa Claus shows up on time, doesn't he?

I did some research, and found who exactly the actual historical figure was that our "Santa Claus" got made off:

Saint Nicholas of Myra was a fourth-century bishop who lived and died far from the Arctic Circle, in what is now Turkey.

Read more:

So I think he would look like this ;)

have you tried fapping on news, morning shows or stuff like that? me yeah cause chicks there are hot.
Megyn Kelly is hot, and i'd bang her badly to hear her moan.
she said Santa Claus is white, what is racist about it?
I say screw racism let's tell how we would love to bang Megyn

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Racist? :dunno: Ignorant? Yeah, she's eaten up with a bad case of the dumbass. Like a muppet, she just says what she thinks will make her Faux News masters happy. And if she makes them happy, they'll give her a nice raise. And with that nice raise, she can buy more kewl shooz. Cause she's all about buyin' kewl shooz. She knows kewl shooz. :yesyes:

Truth: she didn't get that job because she's smart. Is that sexist? Maybe. But it's still the truth.
Racist? :dunno: Ignorant? Yeah, she's eaten up with a bad case of the dumbass. Like a muppet, she just says what she thinks will make her Faux News masters happy. And if she makes them happy, they'll give her a nice raise. And with that nice raise, she can buy more kewl shooz. Cause she's all about buyin' kewl shooz. She knows kewl shooz. :yesyes:

Truth: she didn't get that job because she's smart. Is that sexist? Maybe. But it's still the truth.
Please oh intelligent sir, can you expound why a woman that was the editor of the Albany law review and a highly successful corporate attorney for Experian is a "dumb ass"

As to not make this thread political you are welcome to share your thoughts on the P&R board regarding any woman of the conservative stripe that might meet the Rey C standard of chicks with a brain. I can see making fun of Sarah Palin but quite frankly Mrs. Kelly would eat your lunch.
Racist? :dunno: Ignorant? Yeah, she's eaten up with a bad case of the dumbass. Like a muppet, she just says what she thinks will make her Faux News masters happy. And if she makes them happy, they'll give her a nice raise. And with that nice raise, she can buy more kewl shooz. Cause she's all about buyin' kewl shooz. She knows kewl shooz. :yesyes

Did her faux news masters asked her to say "white privilege" is a thing ? Did they asked her not to agree with Bill O'Reilly on this issue, knowing that they are the most watched anchor on Fox (O'Reilly is #1, Kelly's #2 and gaining more and more viewers) ?

And this is not the only case on which she disagree with O'Reilly

So, did the faux news masters asked the lady hosting the #1 cable news show to disagree with the guy hosting the #1 cable news show and be less conservative than him ?
