I've got a gun I'd shoot her with. :rubbel: Seriously, that's porn star makeup she's got on! This girl is a porn star. Somehow she broke into mainstream movies before she actually did porn, but she is a porn star. Every fiber of her being screams out "PORN STAR." It's a total freak of nature that she's not at this very moment cranking out gangbang and squirting videos. The universe is totally out of balance and it won't be fixed until we get some pics of Megan sucking a huge black dick with another chick's tongue up her ass, that's all there is to it.
Does anyone know a good attorney? Because I really need to sue Megan Fox for causing me to wear out my dick! :rubbel: She really needs to come with a warning label: "WARNING! May cause uncontrollable masturbation, blisters, cock-sprain, carpal-tunnel syndrome, blackouts, protein deficiencies, and embarrassing carpet stains!"