I get you point, Actually I love Metallica and Anthrax growing up, pantera was found in High School. I can't believe they don't play PANTERA on your radio.
I onlylike CERTIAN Metallica though Kill em all through Master is what is good
Mustaine's Voacals give me a headache. Too nasally. Kirk wipes his ass with Megadeth tabs.
And Justice for All. Enough said.
yeah well thats Adelaide STINKHOLE South Australia for ya!
and retarded lil bro hey!?!?!? compare lyrics compare technical ability compare PURE SHRED compare the megadeths respect among the metal community IE GUITAR PLAYERS! MEGADETH drills metalLICKER on every leval!
only high schools kids and the ill informed like metallica better!
NOW A WORD FROM OUR SPONSORS then madonna , PINK ,metallica, the jonas Brothers and enya! on ImafucndopeFM
sorry for hogging the stage here guys but WTF this guys NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!
its friggen widely known Capn Kirk can BARELY play HIS stuff let alone megadeths stuff! GEEEZ pick up a guitar mate and GET A CLUE!
Mustaine's Voacals give me a headache. Too nasally. Kirk wipes his ass with Megadeth tabs.
And Justice for All. Enough said.
Compare pure shred??:1orglaugh
Technical skill doesn't mean shit. There is tons of guitarists that shit on Mustaine and whichever croney he has playing for him nowadays. Megadeth may be fast, and more techinical, but Metallica has written classic songs and albums that are considered the greatest of all time.
The only people that like Megadeth over Metallica are metalheads who are too ignorant to appreciate anything other than METTTAAALLLLL.
Mustaine is stuck in the 80's.
Slayer also shits on Megadeth.
It's an unfortunate situation with Megadeth. They have tons of good riffs, and lyrics, but it's all ruined by Mustaines voice and his desire to try and be Metallica. He needs to quit.
Been playing for almost ten years, sonny jim.
And I've come to find that, after getting good enough to play all the technical stuff, technical skill doesn't count for shit. Creativity and the emotional feedback you insight while playing makes a musician an artist. Not how fast your fingers work. Just the song youre playing, whether it's six notes a measure, or twenty. It's the song, not the "showy-ness".
Dave is not an artist. Dave Mustaine has been riding the same dead horse for three decades now.
But even if it WAS technical skill that really makes a difference, Kirk Hammett STILL gets my vote.
I've been playing for 22 years, but what does that have to do with anything?
If it sounds good it is good.
That's all.
Which guitarists shit on Mustaine? I'd like to know. Slash said recently on that Mustaine is one of the most brilliant musicians he's ever played with.
Slash is partly responsible for my least favorite band in music history. Guns N Roses. Yuck. I know my opinion on that particular subject doesn't really matter. But I just wanted to say. lol. I believe Slash is an even more over rated guitar player than is Mustaine.
That's what I just said, in so many words.
So... I don't know... thanks for simplifying?
Slash is partly responsible for my least favorite band in music history. Guns N Roses. Yuck. I know my opinion on that particular subject doesn't really matter. But I just wanted to say. lol. I believe Slash is an even more over rated guitar player than is Mustaine.
sorry for hogging the stage here guys but WTF this guys NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!
its friggen widely known Capn Kirk can BARELY play HIS stuff let alone megadeths stuff!
Here we go. Usual asshole stereotype. So you can play a guitar you figure no one knows as much as you?GEEEZ pick up a guitar mate and GET A CLUE!
I'm not arguing for or against - just my :2 cents:.
Which guitarists shit on Mustaine? I'd like to know. Slash said recently on that Mustaine is one of the most brilliant musicians he's ever played with.
Yes, Slayer shits on Megadeth and vice versa - because there's been a longstanding feud between Mustaine and Kerry King.
DIMEBAG nuff said
Dimebag would show Mustaine up on guitar. Then out drink him. Fuck his girlfriend. And Mustaine would love him for it. As we all should.
Widely known, eh? You got some proof of this?
Here we go. Usual asshole stereotype. So you can play a guitar you figure no one knows as much as you?
Have you ever heard of an opinion?
Edit: Even Marty Freidman is better than Mustaine.
Since technical skill seems to be the topic here...let me begin.
Michael Angelo Batio
Joe Satriani
Steve Vai
Paul Gilbert
Dimebag Darrell
Yngwei Malmsteen
Randy Rhoads
Alexi Laiho
John Petrucci
Kirk Hammet
James Hetfield
There is more, but I'm lazy.
Mustaine wrote some great riffs. But he's about as diverse as a rock. Like sketchers said, he's been riding the same dead horse forever. How can people applaud his lazy, repetitive, overdone songwriting???
Whats that supposed to mean![]()
Reflex response, not looking to argue :o