the problem with the world is the hypocrisy involved. people scream about tolerance while being intolerant themselves. you tolerate a seemingly non-violent organization and the next day they're blowing stuff up because they can. who's to blame then? it's the old story of the ants. in case some of you don't remember it, it was something like this: a guy stands in a forest. suddenly he gets bitten by an ant. he looks down and sees plenty of them so he stomps the chitin out of them. he won't care which one bit him. he's just making sure it doesn't happen again.
this is, however, a double-edged sword. it's very difficult to constantly investigate every group or faction. generalizing is not an option but neither is ignoring the lot. as for a mosque at or near ground zero, why should it remind the people of al qaeda? were all the churches in oklahoma torn down after the bombing in 93(or was it 94? forgot)? were all the churches in russia torn down after the germans attacked? was a bill passed to stop them from being built? no! what you haters have to understand is that the world is not being attacked by muslims or christians or jews. it's being attacked by evil as a whole. sure, muslims are causing most of the damage worldwide, but you have to consider the state in which they live in. not too many christians in third-world countries as far as I know. not too many of them being oppressed for their beliefs or their agendas. they will never understand the frustration of the muslims, which is being misguided by a few terrorists in powerful positions who need to be deposed as soon as possible.
I know a lot of christians have it tough in many parts of the world, but you really have to come and see what it's like in a third-world country before you judge us. you really, really do. I myself am from Bangladesh and know very well how difficult life can be.
Islam might be a violent religion, but christians haven't been the most wonderful people either(check the 30 years war, the dark ages, interdicts etc) and the Torah states that the jews are supreme and people of all other religions should be their slaves.
I'm not judging muslims in third world countries. The ones I AM judging are those who come to America and either cause trouble, or do nothing. Here they enjoy freedom and rights that are almost inconceiveable in their homeland. More often than not, when they get here they also have the benefit of food, housing, and medical care - all paid for by the government.
In my opinion, life isn't near as difficult or frustrating when they get to this country as it most likely was in the third world. For this reason, doesn't it make sense that the rest of us Americans have at least a few small expectations from them?
This is why it becomes even more annoying when these people do as I said: either they contribute violence, or they remain silent and contribute nothing.
As far as the Christians having not been "the most wonderful people either", when was the last time you heard of a Christian flying an airplane into a building full of innocent people? When was the last time you heard about a Jew who bought and sold slaves? I love it when a non-Christian brings up the dark ages. That was centuries ago! The point is, Christianity and Judiasm have evolved and become more civilized since those days. Islam on the other hand, is full of people who want to see the world revert back to the way things were in the 15th century. There is a HUGE difference.
You were correct when you said that islam is a violent religion, and that they are the ones causing most of the damage in the world in terms of terrorism. If the terrorism were limited to just a small group of crazy despots, AND if the rest of the muslims were decrying the violence as an abomination of their religion, I would have no problem supporting the "good" muslims.
Unfortunately that is not the case. The problem is that the "good" muslims never seem to take a stand against the violence. They never seem to be doing anything in the world to "increase the peace". Why is that?