The last part makes you predictable and you are supposed to have me on ignore. :tongue:
No, sleeping around as in having more than one "partner" in a life time.
No, smoking, drinking, drugs... You don't eat meat? How manly of you. :tongue:
No, you can't criticize it. :nono:
I eat meat. That's not what I said. I don't want to eat THEIR meat. I prefer food that isn't so processed.
And, as it turns out, I can criticize it. The food is shit, and it makes me feel like shit every time I eat it. Why would I keep eating it, therefore?
Fast food is a large part of what is wrong in North America (and elsewhere, but I'll speak to N.A. as I'm most familiar with that area). Fast food. It is unappealing in many ways. It tastes terrible in my opinion. There is no care or pride in its preparation, and the sole purpose is to give you enough calories to survive. There's no joy in fast food. It also is a detriment to family life.
Now, this is only my opinion, so like it, or don't. But I think that some of the most wonderful family times are meal times. People aren't on their guard, they're just eating. Spending time as a family, talking about your day, communicating with each other, and enjoying the food that mom/dad prepared. And then there is the whole concept of preparing food together. Have a fussy eating child? Get them seriously involved in making supper, and watch them take delight in eating what they made. My four year old son (while closely supervised) helps me chop veggies with his own knife and cutting board. He can't wait to taste what he has made. And we spend time together, as all families should, deciding what to eat, making it, and eating it together. That's special time, important time. Family time like that is disappearing in favour of fast food, dinner in front of the TV or computer, and it makes me sad. My son and I have dinner together every night, at the dinner table, often with friends that we love.
Fast food destroys all of that, and it is helping to morally bankrupt North American Society.
:2 cents: