Maya Divine aka Wendy Divine

She has a lot of aliases lol
She has quite a few.

She started as Maya Divine then was persuaded to change her name to Wendy Divine. Since then either name seems to be used pretty much at random depending on the company she's working for. In the past couple of years her own preference seems to have been to go back to Maya Divine - this is the name of her MySpace page, for example.

Other aliases are mainly misspellings of her name. She is often listed as Maya or Wendy Devine rather than Divine. Similarly, she had occasionally been credited as Mya or Mia Divine. The only other genuine alias she ever used was Jasmine, but this was for magazine work years before she moved into porn. Jasmine is sometimes shorted to Jazz (eg by Digital Dream Girls). Sometimes sites giving biographical details cite Tiger Lily as another alias but this seems to be an urban myth - no truth in it but widely reported. I believe the confusion arises because an Asian American porn star called Tiger Lily was sometimes credited under the name Maya.

Rory Servaas is definitely not one of hers. ;)

Hope this helps. :)