Massage Parlors True Story

I remember taking pics of planes landing at the airport

On the way back (I was in highschool) I needed some photographic supplies. I noticed it was all red in the windows and it said studio. I thought it was a photographic studio and we could pick up supplies. Admittedly I saw it out of the corner of my eye but probably would not have known what it was.

After college about 6 years later and a visit to another mass parlor I knew what it was. The same place was shut down and I remembered passing by it with my dad.

I am sure my dad was thinking " my son wanted to stop at a massage parlor with his dad on the way home today "

This is a story I have not shared with anyone before.

mas parlors used to have you sign in and I used to do people I knew at work.
Please give your stories you have had at massage parlors- weird, funny, tragic

(this thread was number 1 when Vermont, Indiana, Kentucky and W. Virginia were first announced on election night 11-8-2016)