Actually no.
Because in each of the crimes you listed their was no religious fanaticism.
In each of the crimes that I listed it was an act of radical Islamic terrorism.
Your case has love handles.
And that cock smoker included among the injured those not hit by gunfire to inflate the total. 441 were injured by gunfire (and yes, that is way too many) and the rest were injured trying to get away. But never let a crisis go to waste, eh?
Here's the thing about that Frog cockchugger, Bluey; he's been brainwashed by Euro socialism for so long that he cannot concede a valid counter point when it hits him in the face unless it's attached to a giant dong.
He's as oblivious to reality as Will in a lot of ways, except that he doesn't use the excuse of loving shemales to hide the fact he loves cock.
Oh, and I hope the injured people recover quickly.