Marvel movie?

What Marvel movie did you like the most?

  • Spider-Man

    Votes: 15 23.1%
  • ********c Four

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • The Hulk

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Punisher

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • X-Men

    Votes: 13 20.0%
  • Iron Man

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Other (name it)

    Votes: 5 7.7%

  • Total voters
I like the old Spiderman movies from a long time ago where the actor is practically swinging on a rope

I remember going to the cinema to watch those.If i remember it was Nicholas Hammond who played Spidey.They were supposed to be TV movies(probably were in the States)but they were in the cinema over here.His spidey outfit looked like they were pyjamas.
The new Spider Man films are my favourite.
Im really starting to dig the new Marvel Studios productions of their movies. Just saw The Incredible Hulk and enjoyed it a lot. Although Iron Man far and away still takes the cake for best Marvel movie i've seen and one of the if not the best movie of '08.
I really enjoyed the Hulk but I didn't like the ending with you-know-who (no spoilers please!). I think if they go down that route, they're going to spoil superhero movies altogether.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I found Iron Man to be wonderful. Buuuuut.. X-Men had 3 GOOD movies, so it already stands as an excellent trilogy. Iron Man may fail like so many other Marvel projects.

Spider man 1 and 2 : Excellent. Beautiful.
Spider man 3: 'THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?! ::smacks the director::

Punisher was okay, didnt appreciate that they changed the story and offed the FRIGGIN kingpin in only ONE movie! Magneto isnt dead despite 3 movies. Darth Vader was in 6 flicks and he went down only to save his kid! BAH!

Fantastic4: Ehh. Mediocre. Entertaining, funny.. silver surfer was nice.. but no.

The Hulk: No comment. Flush it. Forget it. Wipe again.


It's good to be the king...
Blade 1 imo was superior to Ang Lee's Hulk & FF1....

When I think about it Marvel's had a few turkeys - like the naff TV movies such as Doctor Strange & Captain America. Then there was Nick Fury (remember the Hof?), Howard, Man-Thing & Daredevil.....
My personal favorites are Blade followed by the Punisher.

But I picked fantastic 4, because I felt that you really needed a superhero movie to qualify marvel, and that was the best one. It's fun and doesn't take itself too seriously.

Spiderman was too pretentious. Peter Parker's lame ass love life and moral brow-beating just doesn't work for me. The first one was good, but it's one of those movies that seems lamer each time you watch it. In other words, I just don't think it hold up well. Spiderman 2 was bad, 3 was practically unwatchable.

Sorry x-fans, but the X-men movies weren't good. I know how bad we all want them to be, but we have to face it. the first one was Ok at best and it went down hill from there.

Ghost Rider was the opposite of Iron Man. They both had no real plot, and banked it entirely on the special effects and acting of the lead, with the other characters being pretty much instantly forgettable. Robert Downy Jr, however, pulled it off. Not so with Nick Cage.

I guess I was the only person to like Ang Lee's Hulk, and the idea of taking out all of the plot and drama and reducing it to a cartoon has zero appeal to me.

Daredevil was definitely the worst of them all.
Count me in as another who enjoyed Ang Lee's HULK.

Basically, it's a very unique take on a classic Marvel character that's 40+ years old, and personally, i dont feel as if Ang completely dropped the ball on this one. He simply made a film that most audiences, especially in 2003 following the previous summer's Spider-Man, were clearly not expecting. And for that, I'll always hold a special place in my black heart for this film.

It's also got one hell of a cast as well. Bana (despite his appearance not being that of what most think of Banner, I felt Bana was still a good choice for Ang's film. As he definately evoked a feeling of 'repressed rage' that's a key aspect to the Hulk), Connelly, and Elliott (still the BEST General Ross as far as I am concerned) were all fantastic in their roles.
Iron man and spider man are the best out of those. Overall Iron man is the best.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Ever since I saw Spider-man 3 (aka - the worst movie made in the past 20 years), I've been really turned off when it comes to any comic book movies.
Ever since I saw Spider-man 3 (aka - the worst movie made in the past 20 years), I've been really turned off when it comes to any comic book movies.

I dont know ... See I can stomach Spidey 3 more than crap like the Nick Fury tv movie, Blade: Trinity, Elektra, Batman & Robin, Fantastic Four, and Man-Thing.

Hell, I can stomach Spidey 3 more than Superman Returns. :dunno:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Hell, I can stomach Spidey 3 more than Superman Returns. :dunno:

You can't be serious. Superman Returns wasn't all that bad (even though the ending was BLAAAAAH). They should've killed him off at the end, but nooooooooo...jerks want to make more movies to make more money....JERKS!!!
You can't be serious. Superman Returns wasn't all that bad (even though the ending was BLAAAAAH). They should've killed him off at the end, but nooooooooo...jerks want to make more movies to make more money....JERKS!!!

The entire film felt BLAAAAH to me. As it was simply little more than a $200+ million dollar infatuation with the Donnerverse. Only except in this case, none of the magic that made Superman: The Movie, or even Superman II special was found in Superman Returns.

Land swindler Lex returns, a anorexic Bosworth (who had absolutely ZERO chemistry with Routh) as Lois, the annoying as hell Superbrat, the corny as fuck Jimmy Olsen ("Lois & Clark did a much better job with him), a completely wasted Frank Langella as Perry White, and the list goes on and on.

I mean really. With a budget like SR enjoyed, I expect something epic. Not Bosworth screaming at a fucking wig.

Thankfully, Supes appears to be getting a reboot.

Which is simply, fab-u-lous.