My personal favorites are Blade followed by the Punisher.
But I picked fantastic 4, because I felt that you really needed a superhero movie to qualify marvel, and that was the best one. It's fun and doesn't take itself too seriously.
Spiderman was too pretentious. Peter Parker's lame ass love life and moral brow-beating just doesn't work for me. The first one was good, but it's one of those movies that seems lamer each time you watch it. In other words, I just don't think it hold up well. Spiderman 2 was bad, 3 was practically unwatchable.
Sorry x-fans, but the X-men movies weren't good. I know how bad we all want them to be, but we have to face it. the first one was Ok at best and it went down hill from there.
Ghost Rider was the opposite of Iron Man. They both had no real plot, and banked it entirely on the special effects and acting of the lead, with the other characters being pretty much instantly forgettable. Robert Downy Jr, however, pulled it off. Not so with Nick Cage.
I guess I was the only person to like Ang Lee's Hulk, and the idea of taking out all of the plot and drama and reducing it to a cartoon has zero appeal to me.
Daredevil was definitely the worst of them all.