Martin Luther King Jr. Remembered

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

I'm not endorsing the message or the language used in the video but it does seem accurate. Plus, the Boondocks was great.

I was in high school when MLK day was first instituted and MLK blvd (of course, it is in the worst part of town) was re-christened in my hometown. I think most of my classmates just used it as an excuse to get wasted the Sunday before without much reflection on who we were supposed to be honoring.

I don't know if this supposedly more progressive and tolerant society has really changed all that much, as my nephews are having a sleepover right now and I look upon the remnants of Little Caesar's pizza and empty Mountain Dew bottles strewn about the kitchen.

I hope people use the day off perpetrating random acts of kindness or to rethink some of their prejudices but to most, it's probably an excuse to go golfing, fishing etc. etc.

Me? I'm going to an early mass and possibly include a few silent intentions in my normal list of prayers for intercession. And then I'm golfing.


If ya get famous ya can fuck a lot of women and get a pass if ya don't get caught?
Drugs are good?
Children learn in school he freed the Black people...again...all by his self?
Become a Reverend and make lots of money...or get killed and your family will make lots of money?
No matter how good your intentions, everything gets twisted over time and people will use your best efforts to further their own greedy purposes?
Never walk around at night on any street named Martin Luther King Blvd...?

The good Dr. Martin hated the word "******" passionately; through his efforts the Black community now uses the N word more often than the words "African-American" or "Black" to refer to persons of color (other than white).
Non-Violence and Tolerance should be more often adhered to. While his legacy is problematic, his public political tactics should be something that more people aspire to in their personal lives.

Like him, hate him, want to canonize him, whatever, I don't care. You can not, however, deny that he had a major (and positive) impact on American (and beyond) culture and politics.
I think about the fact that he wasn't ever just speaking to or for African Americans, but to and for ALL Americans, who truly believed in justice, equality and brotherhood.

One of the greatest Americans who ever lived, and he didn't even need to serve in public office.

I think about the fact that he wasn't ever just speaking to or for African Americans, but to and for ALL Americans, who truly believed in justice, equality and brotherhood.

And by doing so his impact was felt in Europe as well. The Reverend and the Civil Rights Movement were an inspiration for Americans black or white as well as for Western Europeans disaffected by their authoritarian, stifling societies.

The societal and political reforms that changed the US and Europe for the better in the Sixties and Seventies (Civil Rights, women's rights, gay rights, groundroots participation in the political discourse, green movement, etc.) owe a debt of gratitude to MLK.

Philbert has a point in playing the devil's advocate, but MLK was not a saint, he was human. We should appreciate his spirit not his persona.


My Penis Is Dancing!
One of the greatest speakers of all time. A tragedy his word had to be magnified because of some idiot with a gun.
We've still got a while before we realize that it is not the color that matters, but the person - and that every person could succeed equally given the chance, not matter the color, nationality, beliefs, etc. And I am very sure he would have been quite glad to see some middle-classed black kid become President.
A great man who fought an uphill battle against white supremecy and knew he would probably pay for daring to do so with his life and did.

He would be happy to see how much progress we have made on his dream but not nearly satisfied.We still have a lot of purveyors of hate and discrimination out there ,and most of us know who they are.

MLK may be revered now and rightfully so but I clearly remember how the feeling was when he was alive.The white majority feared and loathed him as he was out to upset their discriminatory world.Too bad people like him too often pay with their lives for such good work.:(
Can we have an Adolf Hitler remembrance thread too ? (I think to not would just be hypocritical, Right?)

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Dr. King was one of the greatest orators of all-time. Listening to his speeches even today still gives me goose bumps. In my classroom I have a wall of important quotes and one of my favorites from Dr. King is on there:

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Dr. King fought for what he believed in through the use of nonviolent protests. Truly, he was a remarkable individual and should be celebrated more than just once a year. His dream lives on today.
Can we have an Adolf Hitler remembrance thread too ? (I think to not would just be hypocritical, Right?)
Wait, what?
If ya get famous ya can fuck a lot of women and get a pass if ya don't get caught?
Drugs are good?
Children learn in school he freed the Black people...again...all by his self?
Become a Reverend and make lots of money...or get killed and your family will make lots of money?
No matter how good your intentions, everything gets twisted over time and people will use your best efforts to further their own greedy purposes?
Never walk around at night on any street named Martin Luther King Blvd...?
yeah fuck that dude right?
At least he's somebody that deserves to have a day remembering him. He probably was the greatest person this country has ever had.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Can we have an Adolf Hitler remembrance thread too ? (I think to not would just be hypocritical, Right?)

Sure we can. Since it's on your mind, why don't you start one and we'll see how that goes over. :)


Hiliary 2020
He sure gets alot of credit.
I think even without him things would still be the same today.
I think society (the people) of the US are basically responsible for equal rights.

I think white people have lived up to their end , but many blacks havn't.
Sad but true.
I dont think King wanted a black society so dependant on the GOV, basically due to irresponsible reproduction. I dont think he wanted such a huge drop out rate, single mothers and crime rate that does exist today.
I wish everybody the best, but too many blacks havnt taken advantage of the opportunitys they have.
I dont think todays Black society is exactly what King had in mind.
He sure gets alot of credit.
I think even without him things would still be the same today.
I think society (the people) of the US are basically responsible for equal rights.

I think white people have lived up to their end , but many blacks havn't.
Sad but true.
I dont think King wanted a black society so dependant on the GOV, basically due to irresponsible reproduction. I dont think he wanted such a huge drop out rate, single mothers and crime rate that does exist today.
I wish everybody the best, but too many blacks havnt taken advantage of the opportunitys they have.
I dont think todays Black society is exactly what King had in mind.
oh dear...
Great speaker and leader who did what we all should, our part (no matter how big or small) to make a difference. RlP MLK.