Read this somewhere:
Word is, after numerous hardcore scene with her real life boyfriend, seems like Marry Queen will stop doing hardcore scenes to focus solely on her softcore modeling career. Luckily, she's making her hardcore exit quite memorable with her first b/g sex scene (oral sex only tho) with a new male partner!
(Edit: Seems like I'm not the first to post this!)
Seems kinda strange. If you're quitting HC, why would your last scene be with another guy? Unless they broke up. But in that case it would be all the more reason to fuck a lot of different guys

. Unless she's not comforatble with that on camera, and she made this last blowjob video just to piss the guy off

But oh well, too bad she's quitting HC. I do hope she'll continue to do full nude photoshoots. With her HC scenes I never really cared it was always the same guy. Since it was her boyfriend, you could tell there was chemistry there, that made it more awesome IMO.