"Hi! Can I grab your tits?"
I was totally ignorant of Maria's blog at Score until today.
She runs some very interesting polls and ends with some great analysis.
“Hi! Can I grab your tits?” for example:
I’ll be completely honest. Even knowing how that she wouldn’t take offense to my asking, I wouldn’t ask to grab her breasts. No, I’m not trying to impress her. I’m still very much a selfish pig.
No, I would ask if I could grab her hips. I would love to feel those hips. The most curvy women have hips that fang from their mid-section and make your hands go nearly “horizontal,” while the majority of straight shaped women don’t.
Of course, if you want me to be completely honest, I’d ask her if I could do three things in order …
1. Put my hands on her hips
2. Pull her back into my thrusting pelvis
3. Run my hands up her sides and cup her bust
Yes, all with your clothes on … and then call it a day for my fantasy. As I said, I’m a selfish, lustful man.
In reality, I’m a career professional, and a consultant. So I don’t even look at women below their neck. Yes, even the full figured beauties I have to work with. And yes, I’ll fully admit the body is the first thing I notice about a woman in a social setting (not her face). But I keep it eye (or mouth, reading her lips) level, until she prompts me, with permission, to do otherwise.
But it’s nice to know women like Maria are out there, not minding to be treated like a sexual object. We’re men. We’re programmed to do so. Doesn’t mean we’re disrespectful. In fact, only 6% of the remaining 25% did without asking. That means over 3x as many ask before they touch, although the full 25% would have been better.