I disagree with that statement. Sure, it has implications in the steroid using community, but bottom line, it's not a steroid, and he didn't fail a test for steroids. Additionally, I don't think it's fair to assume what Manny thought when he took it, because both he and his doctor have said they didn't know the drug would fail a test or contained a banned substance. Until there is evidence to the contrary, it's just speculation to assume otherwise. Manny will probably do the same thing that J.C. Romero did and sue the doctor for essentially being negligent. I'm not sure what there is to say that Manny didn't legitimately use the stuff for ED.
Is your last name Ramirez?
I assume that MLB or the Player's Union has assembled an "ongoing" banned substances list and all Manny had to do was carry a copy of this list along with him to his doctor's office. Negligence isn't an acceptable defense, right?
Greinke may be an innocent athlete who just happens to be having a career-saving year. I am going overboard with cynicism, and I believe nothing about any MLB player anymore. The money is too great not to "walk the line" to land a whopper contract.