Mandylicious / Planet Mandy / Sinful Mandy

I wouldn't count on it being recent material, but has a new video posted today. I don't recognize it from any of her old sets... perhaps they'll have a gallery to go along with it as well.
tried the new video on planet mandy and it didnt even work. once again mandy has let her fans down. oh well lets keep hoping she'll return soon.
ice man, the outside shower video doesn't work on your computer?

Have you tried playing it in VLC? I find VLC has just about the highest success rates of any video player.

Perhaps, also, you could attempt to use a video repair utility of some sort.

Re-downloading the file to make sure it downloads properly and uncorruptedly could offer another avenue of help.

If all else fails, you could email the administrators. I'm sure they'll get... right... back... to you... er... :p
Ha ha, cmon, they go and redo the front page of planet, but still have the same old lame 2-year-old gallery showing as an "update." That little strip of photos above the update looks like it might be from something I haven't seen... some kind of shower video. Something old I missed along the way, or is it new do you think?
I fell for it and joined up again the shower video dosent even work its a just
a major con i am a big fan of both planet Mandy And sinful mandy but think whoever runs her web sites is taking the fucking piss out of all us guys big time!!!
Be strong, be strong! There are probably only 2 new things on there (handcuffed and the shower video), and that shower video may not even work. :p
I still haven't seen any of it. If they had a few more unseen sets in the archives and released them, that might persuade me to spend for a month's membership, but so far I'm not biting. :)