I think you get one a day. Unless of course you buy votes... but really, I wouldn't expect anyone to be doing that for a contest
Hi Mandy. I've only been there a short time. You'd be surprised. In the "All Activity Section" which shows Recently Sold and Uploaded Vids, Tips, the FundMe subscriptions, and the MyCrush subscriptions. Now the Fundme amounts and Tips are usually small, $3, $5, $10, etc. Although, I've seen a lady member who supported a lady MV Star by funding her a $500.00. Then there was a guy buying a $700.00, a $850 and a $1,000 Fund Me for his favorite lady MyCrush. All within days. That's so crazy! But I guess he called his bank and told them to authorize his credit card for ManyVids well beforehand. I guess there are independently wealthy guys over there.
Do you have a MyCrush area, Mandy? You need to get one if you don't have one. You'd be surprised how many guys out there would support you.
Oh and by the way, I voted Mandy Flores + 1 again.