The video speaks for itself...after a 6 second tap out "it's torture".
NEXT! Hannity....:uohs:
NEXT! Hannity....:uohs:
Mancow... expert in everything. Never over-dramatizes, or does anything just for ratings.
Mancow... expert in everything. Never over-dramatizes, or does anything just for ratings.
<chuckle> Don't like "Mancow's" take on it....let's petition Hannity and see what he thinks about it...Oh, I forgot he already choked...:1orglaugh
Mancow... expert in everything. Never over-dramatizes, or does anything just for ratings.
Mancow is one of those types who thinks ( or thought at least lol) he is tough.You know old school don't be a wimp type who thought having water poured on ya was piece of cake.
This all reminds me of the scene in the movie "from here to eternity" when Lancaster breaks up the fight between Sinatra and Borgnine in the bar.He says to them. "You guys think your tough? I would take a couple camp fire girls over you":1orglaugh
These tough guy conservatives really couldn't last or take what they like to preach should be dished out.
Talk is cheap Mancow,Hannity,O'Reilly,Bush,Cheney etc.You couldn't survive 2 minutes with somebody tough and would be blabbering and saying "Allah is great" or whatever else your torturerers wanted to hear.Not that you would really mean that of course but you would say anything to make it stop.Who care if its true or not? Oh wait a minute that was suppose to be the reason for the torture, to get factual info.![]()
Anybody see the various you tube segments of former navy seal Jesse Ventura on the talk show curcuit this week? As part of his training he got waterboarded like that guy who founded Delta Force he thinks the information it yieds is a crock.
His money quote goes along the line of....give me a Dick Cheney, a waterboard and an hour and I'll have him confess the Sharon Tate murders.
Responses to this post should be aimed toward ventura
That's probably true (that he'll do anything for ratings), but he's still got his political points to drive home. And he had opined plenty before this on how waterboarding ISN'T torture.
He might've got ratings from this one particular stunt, but I'm thinking that if he doesn't start to backtrack - quickly - in his description of waterboarding as "absolutely torture" he's going to LOSE a nice chunk of his loyal right-wing listeners (viewers? Seems a lot of radio DJs - Limbaugh, Beck, Stern, etc. - do video of their radio shows... (boring!)). They're not going to be very patient in waiting for him to recant and say that he "exaggerated" or whatever....
The waterboarding that Christopher Hitchens endured for Vanity Fair looks like the real deal. It is easily available on youtube as is his description of the event. Indeed he went through the procedure again without the cameras as he was shocked and embarrassed at how quickly he succumbed. I would be interested to see if Hot Mega thinks that it is an authentic warteboarding.