"Mancow" Water Boarded

Mancow... expert in everything. Never over-dramatizes, or does anything just for ratings.

Well according to the right it gets results? So he is playing and it is not a serious deal or it is a legitimate device due to the war on terror?

Which is it?
Mancow... expert in everything. Never over-dramatizes, or does anything just for ratings.

<chuckle> Don't like "Mancow's" take on it....let's petition Hannity and see what he thinks about it...Oh, I forgot he already choked...:1orglaugh

Hypocrisy is a dish best served with cold water (up the nose and down the throat).:rofl:

I suspect we won't be seeing Mr. "Mancow" on Faux Snooze anytime soon to give his thoughts on water boarding.

If he does make an appearance it will be a still picture with "liberal talk show host" beside it....:rofl2:
Mancow... expert in everything. Never over-dramatizes, or does anything just for ratings.

That's probably true (that he'll do anything for ratings), but he's still got his political points to drive home. And he had opined plenty before this on how waterboarding ISN'T torture.

He might've got ratings from this one particular stunt, but I'm thinking that if he doesn't start to backtrack - quickly - in his description of waterboarding as "absolutely torture" he's going to LOSE a nice chunk of his loyal right-wing listeners (viewers? Seems a lot of radio DJs - Limbaugh, Beck, Stern, etc. - do video of their radio shows... (boring!)). They're not going to be very patient in waiting for him to recant and say that he "exaggerated" or whatever....
Mancow is one of those types who thinks ( or thought at least lol) he is tough.You know old school don't be a wimp type who thought having water poured on ya was piece of cake.

This all reminds me of the scene in the movie "from here to eternity" when Lancaster breaks up the fight between Sinatra and Borgnine in the bar.He says to them. "You guys think your tough? I would take a couple camp fire girls over you":1orglaugh

These tough guy conservatives really couldn't last or take what they like to preach should be dished out.

Talk is cheap Mancow,Hannity,O'Reilly,Bush,Cheney etc.You couldn't survive 2 minutes with somebody tough and would be blabbering and saying "Allah is great" or whatever else your torturerers wanted to hear.Not that you would really mean that of course but you would say anything to make it stop.Who care if its true or not? Oh wait a minute that was suppose to be the reason for the torture, to get factual info.:(


So what if he couldn't take waterboarding?
The tough terrorist was terrified of bugs...so what if he was hard as nails, he must be a wuss?
I'd like to pair you all up with a matching SEAL and laugh while you piss your pants from the pain and fear...
All the talk show hosts are not hard core military men, and your silly tirades about how they can't take waterboarding means less than nothing...if waterboarding was fun it wouldn't be effective.
The whole point is the damage is psychological and not permanent harm... which makes it a good extreme interrogation tool.
An opinion is not based on ability to do the dance...it's someone's rationale on the pro or con of a subject under discussion.

I feel like I'm trying to explain the obvious to a group of children...


Mancow is one of those types who thinks ( or thought at least lol) he is tough.You know old school don't be a wimp type who thought having water poured on ya was piece of cake.

This all reminds me of the scene in the movie "from here to eternity" when Lancaster breaks up the fight between Sinatra and Borgnine in the bar.He says to them. "You guys think your tough? I would take a couple camp fire girls over you":1orglaugh

These tough guy conservatives really couldn't last or take what they like to preach should be dished out.

Talk is cheap Mancow,Hannity,O'Reilly,Bush,Cheney etc.You couldn't survive 2 minutes with somebody tough and would be blabbering and saying "Allah is great" or whatever else your torturerers wanted to hear.Not that you would really mean that of course but you would say anything to make it stop.Who care if its true or not? Oh wait a minute that was suppose to be the reason for the torture, to get factual info.:(

I can almost promise that if I had you to wring information out of, and you understood clearly the bad times would stop when you gave up the info we wanted, you'd want to share.
And if you clearly understood that, after verification, if you gave up false info, the bad times would continue and get even more unfun, you'd think very hard about lying or misinforming. You just have to believe that, it doesn't have to be actually true.
That's a known fact to experienced interrogators, and when severe measures are deemed necessary they know how to get the facts they need to get. BS is useless...
Anybody see the various you tube segments of former navy seal Jesse Ventura on the talk show curcuit this week? As part of his training he got waterboarded like that guy who founded Delta Force he thinks the information it yieds is a crock.

His money quote goes along the line of....give me a Dick Cheney, a waterboard and an hour and I'll have him confess the Sharon Tate murders.

Responses to this post should be aimed toward ventura


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Anybody see the various you tube segments of former navy seal Jesse Ventura on the talk show curcuit this week? As part of his training he got waterboarded like that guy who founded Delta Force he thinks the information it yieds is a crock.

His money quote goes along the line of....give me a Dick Cheney, a waterboard and an hour and I'll have him confess the Sharon Tate murders.

Responses to this post should be aimed toward ventura

Robin Ventura?
That's probably true (that he'll do anything for ratings), but he's still got his political points to drive home. And he had opined plenty before this on how waterboarding ISN'T torture.

He might've got ratings from this one particular stunt, but I'm thinking that if he doesn't start to backtrack - quickly - in his description of waterboarding as "absolutely torture" he's going to LOSE a nice chunk of his loyal right-wing listeners (viewers? Seems a lot of radio DJs - Limbaugh, Beck, Stern, etc. - do video of their radio shows... (boring!)). They're not going to be very patient in waiting for him to recant and say that he "exaggerated" or whatever....

Let's keep in mind, the title to this thread is actually a misnomer. "Mancow" wasn't actually "water boarded". Water boarding was merely simulated on him...If he were legitimately being water boarded he would have not been allowed the luxury of bailing out on it after a mere 6 seconds.

I'm SERE Level C trained and qualified and I have experienced the closest thing to being water boarded. Before SERE I had various of degrees specialized military training that involved extremes of mental and physical stress, fatigue and endurance. That aside, I studied and trained in various disciplines and styles of martial arts since I was 10. I stood beside men who are among some of the most mentally and physically toughest, most disciplined men in the world in my view and they know it's torture.

For me, the case is closed as to whether it's torture or not. Water boarding undeniably is.

The point of this post is only the most intellectually dishonest, politically motivated shills contend water boarding isn't torture. UNTIL they are faced with it. Then that's the exact moment where you actually see the truth catch up to a lie.

This is how "fair and balanced" Fox News is on the issue. Some years ago, maybe 2 or 3 Fox News Reporter Steve Harrigan volunteered himself to have water boarding simulated on him (the was the first such time). The method employed while not as harsh as some of the actual methods was definitely harsher than in the video of his most recent exhibition. After about 5 or 6 seconds he was in such discomfort they stopped, I believe they did another phase on him and he got them to stop. He was completely mortified and distraught. His response after he was able to speak was something to the effect, this is torture or I don't know how this isn't torture or if this isn't torture I don't know what is....It was something along those lines.

The studio hosts were in stunned silence that he actually said that (it was laughable). I was only able to find the video and report of that for like a day or so (and I still can't find it so far) but within days Harrigan was in the studio with a much different tone. He spoke less about whether it was torture but more about it being a way to get someone to talk and he was fine within a few minutes.

Fast forward Fox has produced another video of Harrigan being "water boarded" and the techniques used on him are clearly less and it's made to seem that it was not as bad as the first video looked. The key here is the first, most credible simulation of Harrigan being water boarded and his initial reporting has magically disappeared. And I've found nothing on it so far. When and if I do I'll post both contrasting reports here. But I guess the first video and report was a little too "fair and balanced".
The waterboarding that Christopher Hitchens endured for Vanity Fair looks like the real deal. It is easily available on youtube as is his description of the event. Indeed he went through the procedure again without the cameras as he was shocked and embarrassed at how quickly he succumbed. I would be interested to see if Hot Mega thinks that it is an authentic warteboarding.

The waterboarding that Christopher Hitchens endured for Vanity Fair looks like the real deal. It is easily available on youtube as is his description of the event. Indeed he went through the procedure again without the cameras as he was shocked and embarrassed at how quickly he succumbed. I would be interested to see if Hot Mega thinks that it is an authentic warteboarding.


No that is the exact that training method of one of the introductory phases of water boarding. Honestly even though this is many, many years ago for me....Just looking at that room, the rig and hearing those instructions is fairly eerie to me even today as I sit here on my computer. It is a pretty disconcerting experience even under optimum conditions. Again, it's a simulation because you are supplied with "dead man" handles and safe words to get the operators to stop.

The subsequent feelings Hitchens expresses are genuinely part of it IMO.

Listen to Malcolm Nance in this piece....
